Chapter 14

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"If you survive, I'll get you back for that. A million times over!"


"Then I hope I survive. 'Cause I'll beat the shit out of you!"


"Have fun trying." He said in a taunting voice.


My best comeback I had was, "I will." And then a searing pain went up in my neck, exactly opposite of where I was marked.




I woke up in the same dark room as before, a little circle of light surrounding me.


A raw pain was coming from my neck. The pain blurred my sight. A moan came from somewhere around me. And then a cough.


"Who's there?" I shouted.




"Melissa?!" I asked, shocked. "How are you here? Did they hurt you? Are you okay? Ar-"


"I can't answer if you ask everything at once." She cut me off, her voice glum and husky. She coughed again.


"Come here." I told her.


She crawled over, her hands bound.


I gasped in horror as her face came into the light. Her skin was badly burned on one side, but it looked like she would be okay. If there wasn't infection.


"What are you looking at?" She spat.


"I'm sorry. It was kinda sudden."


"Maybe that's because we just had the fire." She said, grim.


She turned her burned side away; her eyes solemn.


There was a loud thump, and in came my beloved Jake.


"Reyanna!" He shouted and ran towards me.


Then he looked at me in confusion. "You're alive." He said plainly.




"How did you get in here? Did they inject you with anything? Are you hurt? Did-"


I cut him off, just as Melissa did just a moment before to me. "Shh! I can't answer anything if you ask so many questions all at once!"


Melissa gave me a half smile.


I tilted my head, remembering his questions. "The wall opened. Yes. Only my pride. Did what?


"Did my father come here?" He asked concern in his eyes.


I was about to lie, but then that would make our relationship a fucked up one.


"The headmaster. Yes. He was here."


He kissed me hard. 


"How are you alive?" He asked rhetorically. "That injection killed everyone else. How...?"


I couldn't respond. I didn't know why or how.


"Let's get you out of here." He unsheathed claws and cut me loose in one swift stroke.


Melissa gasped as he went to her and cut her bonds as well.


"He...he...he-" she stuttered.


"I know." I whispered, giving her a reassuring smile.


Her eyes were wide.


Jake glanced back at us. "You coming?"


"Yep." I said popping the 'p.'


Jake led us out of the dark room to the outside, which I kinda thought was impossible because we were in a room which I got to from a wall, that was surrounded by other rooms, but who knows?


Jake suddenly stopped. 


"What's wrong?" I hissed. 


"Everyone who had that injection became a monster. Why didn't you?" He asked staring at me, hard. 


"I don't know!!" I yelled. 


Melissa tapped me on the shoulder. "What is he talking about? Monsters? Injections?" 


I sighed and turned to face her. "Umm. How should I say this? There are other things in this world besides humans. Wolves per say-"


"Well duh. There are animals too." She cut in. 


"-that can turn into humans." I finished. 


"Say what?!?!" She yelled and backed away. 


"He. He. He. He had claws. Our teacher, that you kissed may I add, had claws." Melissa tripped while still backing away, landing on her butt. 


"Yes." I said, smiling. 




"Jake is my teacher. He is also my mate. And lover. He is also a werewolf." I said smiling lightly. 


"We have to go." Jake warned me, and giving a glance towards Melissa. 


"Let's go then. I have a score to settle with your father." 


"So do I." Jake replied in a mysterious tone. 




A/N- these last two chapters are short because I'm running out of things to put in the story... And it is a short story, so yeah. 

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