Chapter 12

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It was way after lunch before we realized how late it was.

I woke up from my nap, laying on my mate's chest, sticky from all the sweat surrounding us. 

"Good afternoon." He whispered, stroking my arm.

"Hello." I said, groggily.

He furrowed his brow.

"What?" I asked.

"How old are you?" He suddenly asked me.

"Seventeen, why?"

"Shit. I'm a rapist!" He said, throwing his hands up in the air.

Grabbing them, placing them back on my bare body, I said, "Not if we're in love and mated for life."

He rolled his eyes, kissing me.

Reluctantly getting up, we decided to share the shower and then eat brunch.

He washed my hair for me, but hesitated when touching the rest of my body.

"I don't want you to get heated up again." He said, but I could tell he wanted to touch me so badly.

I grabbed his hands and placed them around my waist, holding him close under the hot stream of water.


(Jake's POV)

She was finally, officially mine.

We got out of the shower, dried off, and went out to enjoy the meal she made for us.

While it was heating up in the microwave, she looked around in the fridge for something to drink.

My brow furrowed when I noticed something outside. The normal human wouldn't be able to hear it. It was soft, and quiet. Almost like the trees whispering in the wind. But I have a wolf's hearing. I knew better than that.

I sniffed the air around us. It didn't have any different smell. But then again, the windows and curtains were closed.

'Dad.' I thought simply. 'What in the world did he want now?'

I growled lightly.

"What's wrong?" Reyanna asked me.

"I had a nice view of your butt." I commented.

She frowned, knowing that that wasn't what was wrong, but followed along anyways.

"Good for you. Now you have a nice view of the rest of me."

I snickered.

"And... if you keep acting like that, then I'll put some clothes on and you'll have no view of me."

That was unexpected.

"I heard something outside." I said, giving in.

The frown had returned to my face.

"What's really the matter?" She asked.

"It was probably my father. And you have no reason to be anywhere around him at all."

She shrugged. "Maybe another day I'll get to meet your parents then."

"Parent." I corrected bitterly.

"Too bad I don't have parents to introduce either."


(Reyanna's POV)

He was hiding something. There was something about his father that he didn't want me to know. And yet, I might know it already.

Without warning, the fire alarm went off. Jake's eyes widened in surprise and took me by the hand, dragging me to the closet.

"Grab something to wear, quick!" 

He put on some jeans and a white t-shirt.

I put on a bra, a tank, and some shorts.

Grabbing my shoes as we walked out the door, he said, "Shit!"

"What?" I asked, panicky.

"My dad. He's calling me to go check on the lab."

"What lab?" I asked, annoyance flaring.

"Dammit!" He yelled. "Go find your friends and get outside the school!" 

I nodded and jumped a few stairs at a time, looking for Melissa.

I looked behind me once, and he was gone.


End of Chapter 12.

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