Epilogue- Time For Miracles

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Hey everyone, I'm sorry but this is the last chapter of this book. I would like to stop and thank everyone who read, commented and voted you guys are my inspiration and my motivation to keep on writing.

 Love you all,



<At The Coffee Shop>

"Here you go." I grabbed the hot chocolate from Tommy and he took his seat that was across from me. I sipped it gingerly, feeling the hot liquid stream down my throat.

Tommy and I were talking and I didn't realize that the lights dimmed. I was about to answer Tommy's comment, but a voice stopped my words and I slowly turned my head towards the small stage.

"I would like to dedicate this song to a girl who I love dearly, this is Time For Miracles." Adam said, bowing his head, and patted his hand to the beat on his leg.

It's late at night and I can't sleep

Missing you just runs too deep

Oh I can't breathe thinking of your smile

Every kiss I can't forget

This aching heart ain't broken yet

Oh God I wish I could make you see

Cause I know this flame isn't dying

So nothing can stop me from trying

Baby you know that

Maybe it's time for miracles

Cause I ain't giving up on love

You know that

Maybe it's time for miracles

Cause I ain't giving up on love

No I ain't giving up on us

My eyes teared up as he sung his heart out. You could almost feel the emotions pouring off of him as he sang.

I just wanna be with you

Cause living is so hard to do

When all I know is trapped inside your eyes

The future I cannot forget

This aching heart ain't broken yet

Oh God I wish I could make you see

'Cause I know this flame isn't dying

So nothing can stop me from trying

My heart constricted as I realized that he didn't forget about me.

Why did I have to be so stupid? Why did I have to say what I said to him three months ago? Why did I have to break his heart again?

Baby can you feel it (feel it)

You know I can hear it (hear it)

So can you feel me feel you

You know it's time

Baby you know that

Maybe it's time for miracles

Cause I ain't giving up on love

You know that

Maybe it's time for miracles

Cause I ain't giving up on love

His voice seemed to blow around the room and I could feel his heart break. I heard his voice stumble as a tear slipped down his cheek. His eyes fluttered opened as he sung the last few lines, and they seemed to scan the crowd before locking on mine. I could see his blue-grey eyes filled with the silent apologies that he wanted to say.

You know that

Maybe it's time for miracles

Cause I ain't giving up on love

You know I ain't giving up on us

Whoa giving up on

Oh I ain't giving up on us

I wiped my eyes, as he got up from the stool. The whole coffee shop was filled with the clapping of the spectators and I realized that I was crying and smiling like an idiot. I saw him walk off the stage and disappear into the crowd.

Without thinking, I jumped up and ran towards the crowd. I ignored Tommy who was yelling for me, and pushed passed the people. I heard the jingle of the door opening and closing, so I pushed my way towards the door.

I busted through the door, and my eyes scanned the sidewalks. I saw his figure walking towards the corner of the block.

"Adam!" I called out, and he stopped, slowly turning around.

A low rumble of thunder rolled through the dark clouds above us and it started to rain. I sprinted towards him, and rammed into him; wrapping my arms around him.

"Leah, I'm..." I heard him say, as he wrapped his arms around me.

I pulled away, so that I could look up at his face, "Oh shut up, Lambert." I got up on my tiptoes and pressed my lips against his. The rain began to get harder and I could feel my clothes starting to stick to my arms.

I felt him kiss me back with so much love, it made my head spin. I knew that I could never love anyone more than I love Adam.

 Our lips danced in unison, as the rain poured down around us. My heart surged as he pulled away and stared into my eyes.

 "I love you, Leah." Adam said, cupping my cheek and I leaned my head into his hand.

 "I love you too, Adam." I replied and he pressed his lips to mine once more.


Baby, now its time for miracles, because I won't give up on us.

Time For MiraclesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora