Its All Over

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"Tommy, I don't even think he would ever want to see me again. Not after what I said to him when we bumped into each other at the store." I sighed, leaning my head against the window.

"I'm sure if you told him exactly what you told me, I think that he would understand and forgive you. Trust me, Adam doesn't hold grudges for long."

 I hope you're right

 I let out a soft sigh and watched as we passed by houses and people who were walking down the street.

I hope that Adam will forgive me if I told him the reason that I told him to move on and to forget about me was because that I was afraid that I was falling for him again; hard this time. Between the reoccurring dreams and flashbacks, I was just afraid if Adam and I ever got back together that I would remember my horrible past.

I felt the car slow down to a stop and I looked up. Through the windshield I saw that we were at a local bar.

"This is our chance. Its all or nothing." I jumped as I almost fell out of the car, because Tommy got out of the car and opened my door.

 I stared at his outstretched hand, then to his brown eyes and back to his hand again. Gripping it tightly, I got out of the car and stood there, staring at the two people standing a few feet away from Tommy's car

 "Leah, come on." Tommy tugged my arm.

 I stood there frozen, my eyes locked on the pair of dark brown eyes that were filled with pure evil and a pair of blue grey eyes that were filled with pure fear. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tommy follow my gaze and he slowly turned around. I heard him gasp and his hand gripped tighter on mine.

 "What are you doing here?! I thought you were in jail for life." I heard Tommy growl, his hand gripping mine even tighter and I slowly lost feeling in my hand.

 Come to think of it, I couldn't feel anything it was like my body had gone into shock. Those brown eyes pierced my own, filling me with fear.


"Kevin? Oh sweetheart, that is not my real name." He was gripping Adam by the collar of his shirt, I watched as Adam stumbled forward.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"I knew that after you were in that accident, which I planned by the way..." The guy said as he stopped in front of Tommy and I, with Adam beside him, "I knew that it was a perfect opportunity to take back what was rightfully mine. But these two," He sneered at Tommy, "Ruined everything, again. So looks like I have to get rid of them both."

 I felt Tommy tense up and I looked at Adam, who was completely pale white.

 "Andrew, you don't..." Tommy's words were cut off but the sound of a gun clicking. I saw Andrew holding a gun to Adam's head.

 "Andrew." Tommy's voice was low with warning.

 Suddenly I felt Tommy being ripped away from me, I quickly turned around to see a larger, muscular guy holding Tommy as he struggled to get free.

 "Please." I heard Adam beg and his voice cracked as it sounded like he was trying to hold back tears.

 I looked between Adam and Tommy, who both had guns to their heads, "Leah now is you last time to choose. Who would you choose." Andrew's eyes sparkled with evil.

 "I-I can't... I-I don't know..." I stuttered as tears started to stream down my face as I looked back and forth to my best friend and my ex boyfriend.

 "One." Andrew started to count.

 "Two." I heard the guy that was held to Tommy's head, click.

 "Leah.." Tommy begged.

 "Three." I heard Adam whimper.

 "Leah, pick." Adam begged.

 "Four." I heard Tommy scream out in pain as the guy gripped him tighter.

 "LEAH!" Adam and Tommy both yelled.

 I looked back and forth, to the pair of brown eyes that were now red with tears and a pair of blue, grey eyes that were red with tears and both pairs held fear.

 "I'm sorry." I mouthed them.

 "Well who is going to be? Me or your friends?"  Andrew asked.

 I opened my mouth to answer, but no sound left my lips. Then Andrew chuckled and I looked at him, he was shaking his head.

 "Why do I even bother asking?" I saw him look at his friend who was holding Tommy, "Tyler you know what to do."

 I looked at both Tommy and Adam, wide eyed.

 "I love you." The both of them said, as they closed their eyes accepting what was about to come.

 The sound of two gun shots rang in my ears, I let out a scream and collapsed to my knees. I felt two pairs of arms go around me and i felt a wave of dizziness wash over me, causing me to fall into the arms of whoever was hold me.

 Before everything went black, i smelt the smell of faint vanilla mixed with a faint cologne scent. I heard familiar voices in the distance, and the screaming of a few people who were coming out of the bar. I saw on the pavement, through my blurred vision, two pools of blood mixing together and tears fell silently down my face.

 Its all over.

 Then everything went black.


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