My Words Are Broken English

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I would like to take a moment to say that I deleted the last chapter, "Tommy's Confession" people have been saying that chapter didn't fit with the story, so i decided to take it down.

Thank you so much to my friend JacksonTerrance for giving me some ideas for the next few chapters of this book.

Well lets get back to our story, shall we?


Adam pulled me towards the couch with such force that I practically fell on top of him. I let out a nervously laugh and got off of his lap, only to sit on the cushion next to him.

"So did you guys have a good night sleep?" Issac asked, winking at me. I felt a blush creep on my face and I bowed my head, my hair falling into my face.

"Yeah I think we slept pretty good." Adam chuckled, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. My whole body wanted to lean into him, but I shook my head and moved away from him.

From the corner of my eye I saw him give me a concerned look, which quickly faded when Courtney said something, "So what do you guys want to do today?"

I shrugged my shoulder, flipping my hair out of my face and looked around the room but avoiding looking at Adam, "I don't know, I'm down for anything you guys would like to do."

Tommy, who was sitting in the chair next to Issac , had Courtney perched on his lap, snapped his fingers and said, "I got it, how about going out, we could go shopping or to the movies."

Everyone nodded their heads and said yeah, but I stayed quiet and I could feel Adam's gaze cutting into my side but I kept my eyes on the ground. There was just some feeling like this was wrong, but my mind is screaming to go back to him.

How could I just get back with someone after all these years of being apart? I mean with the accident and losing my memory I always had this gut feeling like I was missing something but I couldn't figure out what that missing piece was. But, now when I saw Adam again I knew that he was my missing piece. I also knew that even when I got my memory back, now sitting here with all my best friends and Adam I just can't dive back in and act like everything is back to normal.

I got up from the couch, my hand slipping from his and I walked back to the room that I woke up in and found my suitcase full of my clothes. Picking up the bag, I plopped it on the bed and unzipped the top. I sifted through the clothes to find my favorite blue shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans, then I dug deeper into the bag to find a grey sweatshirt with a wolf spray painted on it.

I walked over to the door, closing it and walked back to the bed. I changed, pulling the sweatshirt over my head when I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I hollered as I zipped up the top of my suitcase and placed it back at the foot of the bed on the floor.

"Its me, can I come in?" I heard Courtney's voice from behind the door. I walked over, unlocked it and opened the door, allowing her to come inside.

"What's up?" I asked, nonchalantly.

She looked down, picking at her nails, "Well I saw what happened in the living room before. Is everything okay with you and Adam?"

I shook my head, sighing, as I sat down on the bed, "Yeah everything is okay. I just feel like he expects everything to go back to normal now that he found me. I just can't seem to shake this feeling that everything that happened, happened for a reason."

I felt her sit next to me, her hand rubbed my shoulder, "We all know that can't happen. But i do know that fate has brought you back together."

"How can you be so sure that it was fate and not some silly coincidence?"

"Because Leah I saw the way he was before he left for his trespassing tour, he was so empty and heartbroken that he would just sit in silence and not speak to anyone. Tommy called me one time and he was worried because Adam cancelled a show, which he never did. Leah, he was so lost and i knew that you were lost as well. Fate somehow created a path on a map to help him find you again. I don't think its some silly coincidence." She gave me a small smile.

"But things can't just go back to normal like none of this has happened." I said, getting frustrated.

"Look, just go with the flow. Listen to your heart and not your mind because your heart is always right. Now, lets go get your mind off of all of this and lets have some fun with our friends. We can all talk about this later." I nodded and she wrapped her arms around me, I returned the hug and got up from the bed.

As we walked back into the living room i saw Adam and Tommy talking, Adam had his Queen shirt on with a pair of black jean and a leather jacket hung loosely over his shoulders. My heart skipped a beat but i quickly shrugged away the urge to run into his arms and walked towards them.

"You guys ready?" Courtney asked, her face lighting up.

"Yeah lets go. Tommy, you are taking Monte, Issac and Courtney and Leah you're going with me." Adam said, nodding at everyone and I saw his eyes lock with mine.

"Sounds good, we will meet you guys at the mall." Tommy said, grabbing Courtney's hand and walked out the door with Monte and Issac following behind them.

I felt Adam grab my hand and instinctively I pulled away, shoving my hand in my pocket of my sweatshirt. I saw him shake his head in confusion and he walked out the door. I sighed softly and followed him out the door.


"Leah." Adam said, turning down the radio and i saw him glance at me then back to the road.

"Yeah?" I said, my pulse picked up afraid of where this was heading.

"What was up with you before? I thought that you were okay." He turned onto another road and then stopped at the red light.

I bowed my head, looking at my hands, "Nothing everything is fine, Adam. Please just stop..."

I felt his fingers lightly brush under my chin and he lifted my head, to look at him. His blue-grey eyes flickered back and forth as if they could find the truth in my eyes, "Leah, what is wrong? Did I do something? I know that there is something bothering you and i want to help you."

My mind was screaming at me to pull away but my heart wanted to say the truth and stop giving him lies. I shook my head and pulled away from his hand, "Adam..." I struggled to find the right words, "Adam there is nothing... I wish i could tell you..." I sighed, putting my head in my hands.

"What do you want to tell me?" Adam asked.

I shook my head, looking back up at him, "Adam, I..." I groaned in frustration, "Lets just have some fun with our friends."

I turned my head and out of the corner of my eyes, I saw him shake his head and grip the steering wheel tightly, "Fine." He mumbled.

The soft, quiet music filled my ears and i realized it was one of his songs and i sighed. Reaching over, i went to switch the song but i felt a spark run up my hand as our hands touched. Quickly pulling away, i looked back at him and his face was masked with a blank emotionless look. I saw him look at me out of the corner of my eye and he turned up the song.

Can't say all the little things

That I wanna tell you right now

I know you won't understand

But I gotta tell you somehow

And on and on and on I go,

Connect the neck to what's below I know,

Now your body language is broken, broken English

I sat there, letting his words cut into my skin and maybe this was fate telling me that I should finally come clean and tell him what i really want to say.

Time For Miraclesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें