Get Out!

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"Oh my god, Leah this top would be just amazing on you." Courtney exclaimed from the other side of the racks and shelves of Marshalls.

 I saw her come over to me with a wide smile with a light blue shirt that had a low cut in the front. I hesitated before taking it, "Yeah you're right that would be a cute color for me." I grabbed it from her hand and draped it over my arm over the three other shirts and two pairs of skinny jeans.

 Then as we were done with looking around, we walked over to the counter and paid for out outfits. As we exited the store, we walked into the crowd of people and I followed Courtney to the food court. Through the crowd of people, I immediately spotted Adam, but I noticed that my pulse didn't jump.

That's weird. I sighed softly to myself and we walked into the little food court area.

 "Finally, I thought we would have to have a search party for you guys." Tommy chuckled as we came into view.

 Courtney and I just laughed and sat our bags down beside Adam's , Tommy's and the others and we wall sat down at the table. On the table in front of us were pretzels, a couple of hot dogs, nachos and drinks for each of us. We all dug into the food as Adam and the others talked about his last tour. It was cool to hear what went on behind the stage before the concerts and how they all met their fans.

 I kept my eyes down on my drink as I played with the wrapper for the straw. I couldn't shake the nervous feeling about what Tommy, Courtney, Adam and I were all going to talk about later on tonight. What would happen when I tell Adam the truth? Will he accept it or will he leave me in the dust?

 Suddenly an almost faded tingling feeling shot through my shoulders, down my back all the way to my toes. I peeked over and saw Adam leaning towards me, his arm was draped over my shoulders.

That was strange, it was stronger before. I pushed that thought away to the back of my mind and flashed a light smile at Ashely, who cracked a joke.

 After we all had our lunch, we decided to head home.


The car ride home with Adam was silent, well we didn't talk at all but that was because he had his radio up and he was singing along with the songs that were on the radio. For some reason I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

 Adam pulled into the driveway, turned off the radio and the car. Then him and I got out of the car, walked to the front door. He pulled out the house key and slid it into the key hole and turned it to the right, unlocking the door. As he held opened the door for me, I gave him a small smile and headed inside. 

 I noticed that no one else was back yet, and the house was getting dark as the sun began to set. My body tensed as arms slid around my waist and I felt his breath against my neck. My eyes fluttered shut as his lips kissed the base of my neck, near the back of my shoulder. As my body began to relax into his touch, my mind sparked to life and my eyes opened. The tingling of his touch faded as my mind resisted him and I tried to step out of his grasp.

"No you are not going anywhere." He growled, wrapping his arms tighter around my waist.

 "Adam, I- I..." I struggled to get the words out as I fought against his grip.

 "You don't have to resist anymore." I could feel his hands move up my stomach.

 I jerked my body around, so that I was facing him and I saw that his grey- blue eyes were darkened with lust, desire and love. I shook my head and pressed my hands up against his chest.

 "Adam, I don't want..."

 "Stop fighting it, Leah. You know you want me back, so stop resisting." His fingers gripped my arms, I could feel them squeeze and I knew that they were going to leave some marks.

 "Ada..." My words were cut short as he smashed his lips against mine. I tried to pull away, but his hands gripped the back  of my head and neck holding me in place.

 His fingers gripped tightly in my hair and I could feel his pulling some strands of hair out of my scalp. A whimper sounded in my throat as I tried to force him away. I could feel my arms getting tired as I tried to push him away and I felt my body start to melt into his touch.

 I felt his lips leave mine and his forehead was pressed up against mine, "Baby, I know we can't go back to the way things used to be but I want to try and start over with you. Maybe its time for a miracle, because I am not giving up on love." I looked into his eyes and they were shining with pure love.

 "Baby, I won't give up on us." He caressed the side of my face with the back of his hand, "So what do you say? Are you going to make this miracle come true?"

 Tears welled up in my eyes because I thought about how much I lead him to believe that I still loved him.  I took a deep breath, staring into his eyes as I tried to regain my composure.

 "Adam, I..." 

 "Hey! We are back!" Monte yelled as him, Tommy, Issac, Ashely and Courtney came into the house.

 Adam didn't seemed to be phased by Monte's exclamation, his eyes were still locked on me. I dropped mine to the floor and I could feel his eyes and everyone else's fixed on me, as silence filled the room.

 " Leah," Adam's voice was soft and his finger went underneath my chin, forcing my head to lift him and my eyes locked onto his again, "Do you think it might be the time for a miracle?"

 Through my now blurry vision, I felt a tear slide down my face and Adam seemed to brush it away. The glow in his eyes turned from hopeful to upset in a snap of a finger.

 I shook my head, "Adam I don't think we could ever be a thing again." I could feel underneath my hand, his heart breaking as it skipped a beat and began to race.

 I continued, "It will never go back to the way things used to be, I will never be the same. I'm sorry but..." He pulled away, stepped away from me creating a distance between us.

 "So what you are saying is that you don't love me anymore? So what, all of that fucking shit you said to me last night was a fucking lie? Were you playing me until you can find someone else to go for?"

 "Adam, it wasn't like that I..."

 Adam took a step closer to me, giving me a hard glare, "No Leah, it was like that. You know what?! Fine!..." He threw his arms up in the air, frustrated, "Fine! Go on and fucking lie to me, lie to everyone because its obvious that you never wanted to be with me again."

 Tears sreamed down my face, "Adam I didn't lie to..."

 "Save your fucking pity, save your lies because I'm fucking done." His voice boomed off of the walls, I flinched at the sudden rise in his voice.

 "Adam, don't you think you're over exaggerating?" Issac asked, in a small voice.

 I watched as Adam turned his head and narrowed his eyes at Issac, causing him to shrink away from the glam rocker.

 "Adam..." I took a small step towards him, but his arm shot out and caused me to stop in my tracks

 "Get out." He said, his voice was low, dangerous.

 "What?" I asked, unable to make sense of his words.

 "I said get out of my fucking house !" He exclaimed, pointing his finger towards the front door.

 I shook my head, not even believing what he was telling me.

 "Do I speak another fucking language?! I said to get out of this fucking goddamn house!" His words cut deeper than a knife, slicing a hole in my heart.

 Tears streaming down my face, I pushed passed Tommy and the others and bolted out the front door into the night. I ran across the lawn, towards the house next door. Throwing opened the front door, I bolted inside and slammed the door behind me.

 The sound bounced off the walls, echoing throughout the whole house and I pushed off the back of the door. I ran up the steps and into my room. Throwing myself onto my bed, I buried my face into the pillows and the sobs ripped my body apart.

 Before I knew it, I fell asleep. Tears stains darkened my pillow and tears lines marked my face.


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