Moving On

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-A Week Later-

It has been a week since I met Tommy and Adam. Ever since then I have been having these strange dreams about this guy with black hair with blonde tips and this other guy who is trying to kill all of us. Every night I would wake up screaming because the murderer would end up kidnapping me and this blonde guy and shooting the mysterious guy.

I went to the doctors and she said that it could be my memory coming back, or just my brain trying to repair itself. Whatever it is, I wish that it would stop because in the end I am terrified.

I'm not terrified of the mysterious guy, I am more terrified of falling for someone again. I don't want to get my heart re-broken or go through what I went through back in New York; well whatever had happened back there.

So in result of all of this mess, I decided to avoid Tommy and Adam.


I was walking down one of the aisles in a local supermarket, when someone bumped into me and I fell to the ground.

"Oh i'm sorry, miss. I didn't see where I was... Wait Leah?" I heard a familiar voice said and a hand was extended to help me up.

My heart stopped for a split second as I gripped the hand and it pulled me up. My eyes looked up into beautiful grey-blue eyes. His eyes looked into mine, they moved side to side as if trying to search for something.

I blinked and shook my head, bowing my head, "I'm... I... I'm sorry but I have to go." I said as I took the can of soup from his hand and placed it in the cart.

Turning around, I walked swiftly down the aisle and I felt someone grab my arm, "Leah, wait."

Getting annoyed, I stopped and turned to face him, "What do you want, Adam?"

I saw him flinch back as if I was threatening to slap him, "I was just wondering if we could hang out sometime?"

I hesitated for a moment because part of me wanted to hang out with him, but the other half is dreading the outcome of all of this; the flashbacks and strange dreams.

I sighed, "No, Adam, we can't hang out." I turned and started walking towards check out.

"B- but why not?" I heard him ask as he followed behind me.

I stopped again and turned around, glaring at him, "Look I don't know what we had in the past but i'm sorry its all gone. I suggest you leave me alone and move on."

I placed the few items I had on the platform and the cashier scanned them. I handed her the money and received the change and receipt, grabbing my bag and headed out of the store.

I felt eyes staring at me, so I looked over my shoulder and saw Adam staring out the window at me with a devastating look.

Shrugging off the guilty feeling, I got into my car and drove home.


-Adam's POV-

"Adam, what happened?" Tommy asked after I slammed the front door.

"Nothing, Thomas. Just forget about it." I mumbled as I placed the milk and eggs in the refrigerator.

"Well something is up, because you never slam the door. Was it L..." I whirled around, narrowing my eyes at him. I watched as he took a few steps back, away from me.

"Never say that name again. Don't speak of her." I said, my voice hard.

"Adam, what..."

"Look she basically told me to fuck off and move on, Tommy!" I exclaimed, I saw him flinch at the sudden tone and loudness of my voice.

Before he could say something, I stormed out of the kitchen.

"Adam, where the hell are you going?" Tommy exclaimed as I grabbed my jacket and threw it on.

"I'm going out. She wants me to move on, then fine I will." I snatched my keys from the coffee table and walked out of the house.

I heard Tommy yelling for me but I just ignored him and got into my car. Putting the key in the ignition, twisting it the car purred and I sped out of the crescent driveway; speeding down the street.

-Tommy's POV-

I ran a hand through my hair and tugged at it. I have to do something about this. So I ran upstairs, to my room and got my phone.

Me: I need your help. I'll meet you at the airport in the morning.

Courtney: Okay I'll see you in the morning.

After I texted Courtney, I tested Monte, Issac and Ashley. Asking them for help and to meet me at a specific location.

I looked at the time and went through the plan in my mind. Each second that ticks by is one less second we have before something bad happens.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and walked downstairs. Then I grabbed my sweater off of the back of the couch and went outside.

As I walked up her porch steps, I started to regret coming here. But I have to help my best friend and this might be the only chance I am going to get.

Knocking on the door, I heard footsteps from inside and she opened the door. It looked like she has been crying because her eyes were bloodshot and puffy and her nose was red.

"What Tommy?" She asked.

"I need you to just come with me and please, trust me." I pleaded.

"What is this all about?"

I quickly came up with something, "Adam is in trouble and I need your help."

That's when I saw fear in her eyes, which quickly faded and her eyes were emotionless, "Why do you need my help? Hes not my problem anymore and I already told him that I want nothing to do with him."

"Just please, come with me." I begged.

She sighed and nodded, "Fine, since you insist on me helping you." She grabbed her sweater and walked outside.

I walked infront of her as we went back to our house, to my car. I got the spare key out of the center console and put it in the ignition.

Then we were off.

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