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I woke up and I tried to move but I felt someone's arm tightly around my waist. I moved my head slightly and peered over my shoulder at the person sleeping next to me.

A smile came upon my lips as I looked at Adam's face; he looked so peaceful and the black bags under his eyes had faded; his hair sticking up in every direction. I tried to move again but I felt his arm start to tighten around me and I let out a soft laugh.

"Adam, come on we have to get up." I whined as I tried to wiggle out of his grasp.

"No, I want to stay here." He mumbled as he pulled me closer to him and he nuzzled his face into my hair; which was all over the place.

I sighed and shook my head, "No lets get up and go downstairs with Tommy and the others."

He groaned and moved, but I felt myself shift towards the edge of the bed and before I knew, we were on the floor. Adam over me, crushing me. I felt his chest vibrate as he let out a laugh and I felt him move off of me. But as I sat up, I looked up and saw his face just inches from mine. His eyes seemed to darken in color, and I fall under his spell. Without knowing what was happening I felt his lips upon mine.

 "Adam, I went to get Leah up but when I went into her room she wasn't... Oh." We pulled away and my gaze followed his to the door where Tommy stood, wide eyed and his mouth was partially opened.

My cheeks felt like they were on fire as I dropped my gaze from Tommy's and stared at the carpet.

 Then Tommy shook his head and walked away from the door, we heard his voice yell through the hallway, "Never mind guys false alarm, Leah is with Adam."

 Then we heard snickering and laughter coming from down the hallway.

 I looked back at Adam and saw that he was standing with his hand outstretched. Grabbing his hand, he helped me up from the floor; the blanket slid off of me and fell to the floor. Adam picked it up and tossed it back on the bed.

 Then he grabbed my hand and lead me out of the room, down the hallway and into the living room towards to what I believe is going to be the most embarrassing moment of my life.


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