Three Months Later

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<Three Months Later>

-Leah's POV-

 I woke up and saw that the room was dark. Rolling over, I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and pressed the home button.

It was 8:05 P.M.

 There were miss calls and a lot of messages from Tommy and the others, but none from Adam. I guess he really does hate me. I didn't lie to him I still love him, with all my heart but he doesn't see that I want to slowly ease back in the relationship instead of jumping back into the relationship that was still in his mind.

 It has been two weeks, to this day, that Adam and I got into that fight. Tommy and Courtney got into a fight also and she broke up with him, turns out she was cheating on him since Adam and Tommy went on tour. Now I haven't only lost my best friend in the whole world, I also lost the only person whom I ever loved. Everyone says it will get better, everything will be okay in the aftermath; well everything is over and I still feel like nothing is going to get better.

 My stomach growled and I realized that I haven't eaten anything since the other night. Throwing the comforter off of my body, I rolled out of bed and walked out of the room. Walking down the steps, and walked into the kitchen. I went to the fridge and got out some culets to make a sandwich. I placed the contents on the counter, got the bread out and started to make the sandwich.

 As I was putting the cutlets away in the fridge, I heard a loud noise coming from the living room. I allowed the fridge door close by itself, and I grabbed the knife that was on the counter beside the cutting board. Slowly walking into the darkness of the living room, I gripped the knife tighter.

 Quickly switching on the light,  my movements stopped completely and stared wide eyed at the person standing in the middle of the living room.

 "What are you doing here?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at the blonde who was standing in the living room.

 Tommy raised his hands in defense, "Woah, you left your door unlocked. You know that is reall bad because you don't know who would come into your house." He said, his eyes flickering to me and then the knife.

 I placed the knife on the nightstand beside the couch, and crossed my arms over my chest, "What do you want Tommy?"

 He sighed in relief that I put the knife down and he looked at me, "Look I would like to take you out."

 I rolled my eyes, "TJ, we are just friends."

 "That's what I meant, look a friend of mine is playing at the coffee shop tonight and I promised him that I would go watch him."

 I shifted my weight to my other foot and raised an eyebrow at him, "Which friend is this and why do I have to go?"

 I saw him shift nervously, contemplating on what to say, "Just a friend and I don't want to go alone because I hate crowds and at least I would know one other person there so it wouldn't be awkward."

 I gave him a hard stare, "What about Monte, Ashely, Issac, or even Bahvina?"

 Tommy shook his head, "No they won't be able to make it, so that's why I asked you."

 I hesistated, before sighing and nodding my head, "Fine, lets go." I grabbed my sandwich from the counter, then I went and grabbed my jacket from the hook next to the door and slid my feet into my boots. Then I followed him out into the car.

 Here goes nothing.

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