Chapter 12: The Circle of Life

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Phil's POV

Cold air rushed against my face as I walked through the dark streets of London on this cold autumn evening. It's late and I know I should be out here right now but I needed some fresh air and that's what I told Dan.

I didn't know what I was doing or why I was walking so fast but with each step my pace quickened until I was in a full blown run.

I was subconsciously running from something that I could neither see or hear. My senses went numb. All I could feel was the echoing pounding of my heavy feat carrying my large form through the silent night.

The only light was from the streetlights that lit up parts of the road like spotlights. Running faster and faster, I passed by many spotlights and I splashed through the puddles of water from the rain earlier that day.

My feet were soaked by the time I stopped running. Whatever had possessed me to do so should've kept running.

I turned into an alley way. The cobbled road was littered with puddles that glistened in the small amount of light that entered the dark path.

I looked around cautiously and noticed a small amount of graffiti on one wall. This was no where I'd ever been before and no where I'd ever want to be again.

The faint sound of a taxi could be heard in the distance as I stood perfectly still.

I felt a cold drop of water hit the coat that I'd owned for many years now. The rain had returned.

It had started in drips. One every few seconds. Plip. Plip. Plip.

It changed to a light drizzle. The rain hit my head faster now. I had no desire to stop it from getting to my hair so I left my hood down. If I was to die out here of hypothermia It would be blamed on that and I would still keep my promise to Dan.

Nothing felt right in this street. I sat down against one of the walls. It didn't feel real.

My dark hair was becoming very damp now. I could feel it started to make my ears and neck wet.

When a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound at all?

If I were to scream out here while everyone was asleep would anyone hear it? Would the scream be non existent?

Another cab drove by in the distance.

What if I took a cab and went away? What if I left Dan and my life here forever? Could I live without the support or would I kill myself in the attempt?

In the 8 billion people in the world is my life really significant at all? Would it really affect a percent of people if I stopped existing?

Is there really any point to this?

I pull my knees to my head in an attempt to stay slightly warm. My hair, now soaked in the continuous drizzle of rain, was dripping onto my face and numbing it.

It couldn't be anymore than -2°c at this time of night.

A shiver went down my spine as some sort of animal could be heard from afar. Turning my head I shake my hair and hopefully shake off some excess water.

The feelings were unexplainable. I wanted to leave. To end it all, but a small, insignificant part of me told me not to. It told me I needed to keep my promise to Dan. My reason to still be alive and the reason this life was bearable. He was the only thing that really mattered to me.

I heard a noise. I pattern of noises, in fact. Footsteps perhaps. Maybe Dan? Looking for me? Unlikely but possible.

The footsteps were confident and full of a sort of pride. Like how person of importance walks.

This wasn't Dan. If it were to be Dan the footsteps would be soft, like a toddler trying their first steps or a dancer gracefully walking across the stage, and slow, making sure not to miss a corner as he looked for me.

That's what Dan's footsteps were like the day he came to meet me after the many conversations over Skype but they had a small ounce of happiness in them like even though we were just two people who spent their time on the internet he knew we would end up like this.

The footsteps grew louder and I knew the person was going to pass by me.

What I didn't expect was the person to stop for me.

"I thought I'd find you here," the voice drawled out "Phil Lester"

The voice was definitely familiar but I couldn't place it. It was like a family member you had seen in a while.

"J-Jennifer?" The name hit me like a brick and it was clear to me now.

"Yes. It's me you insignificant twat. I'm here to stop the war we are starting once an for all." Her voice was powerful and meaningful but I didn't understand what she ment by war.

I stood up to face her.

I was at least 3 inches taller than her but I felt small. Like a mouse among a bunch of cats.

I swallowed hard and she continued.

"Don't act dumb, Sweetie, we all know you Have feelings for Dan. My Dan. The truth is, we both know he could never feel the same for you! His heart belongs to one and I'll make sure, if its the last thing I do, that One will be me."

I looked her up and down. She was wearing a dark trench coat that resembled that of Castiel from supernatural. Her hair was pinned up in a high ponytail and she wore a dark fitted shirt and black skinny jeans.

From the inside of her pocket she pulled out and object. She pointed it at me.

A gun.

It hit me as soon as she pulled the trigger.

A sharp pain raced through my body as my face looked down and back up at her before I grasped my chest and fell.

If a gun is fired but no one is around to hear it or lives to tell the tale does the gun make a sound?

I could feel the warm blood seep through the layers of clothing covering my body as I looked around for something to save me.

The crimson blood fell in drops onto the cobblestone road and followed the staggered pattern till it ran into the street.

With my last opening of my eyes I saw Jennifer with a young man who resembled Dan. The were very close, they could have been kissing.

With one last breath, my eyes closed and it was over.

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