Chapter 9: Please Go Back To Normal.

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Dan's POV

I'm very worried about Phil.

He looks like he's getting depressed or something. Hes almost always sad and not to mention that box I found in his closet.

How long have these things been going on?

This is the question.

I shake my head and fix my hair before standing up from my bed to walk to the lounge.

Yesterday Phil gave me the worst scare of my life.(I'm at a family reunion writing this so if its sad that's why) I never want Phil to not be able to tell me something or feel like he has to leave this world. He is my everything and without him I am nothing.

"Morning sleepy head." Phil yawns as I am greeted with his bed hair and glasses.

"Morning" I say back half heartedly.

"Did you sleep well?" His voice was uncertain like if he said something wrong I would bring up yesterday.

"Yeah I guess. Do we have any breakfast materials?" (End of sadness as I am home now)

"Well there's a bit of cereal and toast or we can make pancakes" Phils voice is reassuring to my sleep deprived ears.

"I guess we should start making these pancakes." I give Phil a Genuine smile, pushing all the thoughts from yesterday behind me. It never happened. I never found that box. I met my best friend and now we make videos embarrassing ourselves on YouTube. We have a radio show every Sunday. I'm 24 living in London. My life is perfect

I pull out my phone and tap Phil on the shoulder to get his attention.

"What?" He asks reading a recipe on his Macbook and grabbing the ingredients from the fridge and cupboard.

"Selfie for Instagram?"

The three words light his face up and he puts his arm around my shoulders.

I do the same to him and hold the phone out to take the photo.

I take multiple ones and find the best to post to Instagram.

I caption it Delia Smith pancakes with the best.

I might have just exploded the phandom but I posted it and shared it to twitter while Phil layed out all the things.

The Philisnotonfire had finally been uploaded along with the vlog to Danisnotinteresting and the prank call video to Danisnotonfire.

We were scheduled to make a new video on the gaming channel soon and we were leaning towards Dil.

I turned off my phone, set it down and rubbed my hands together.

"Lets do this" I whisper into his ear and I feel him shiver before we start.

4 pancakes, 2 laughing young adults and 1 destroyed kitchen later we were sitting in the lounge 'internetting'

"I have to say those were some delicious pancakes" Phil said as he scrolled through tumblr.

"I will have to agree with you there!" I reply happily.

We stayed like that for a while.

Finally after a couple hours of a normal day in the life of Dan and Phil we realized it was 1 in the afternoon.

"I don't really wanna make anything." I complained to Phil as he tried to drag me from my seat.

"I don't either but if we want to survive we kind of half to eat. Your not going to starve yourself on my watch" Phils protective side was showing through and I reluctantly stood up.

"But why don't we just invite PJ and Chris over and go out for lunch? We haven't done that in a while. It could be a little Fantastic Foursome reunion!" I suggest falling back onto the couch when he slightly lets go of my hand.

"You know what? That sounds great! Ill message Chris now!" Phil left the room and I assumed he left his phone in his room.

About a half an hour later there was a soft knock at the door and me and Phil both stood up to answer it.

I put on a smile and looked at Phil as he opens the door to reveal a smiling PJ and Chris.

"Peej! Chris!" I say happily giving them both hugs and Phil does the same.

"Hello Dan! Phil! Its great to see you two again!" Chris says warmly as we lead them inside.

"Ill have to agree." Peej adds.

"We are very glad you could come" My smile was growing by the second.

Whenever Chris and Peej were over it felt right. It felt good to know that people were there for you and loved you. It felt good.

"Have a seat." Phil said covering up the space I had left while I was thinking. "Dan and I just have to get our Coats and shoes on and we will be ready to go!" Chris nods and we look at Peej who is staring off into space.

"Oh yeah sorry lot on my mind sounds good" he gives us a little smirk and me and Phil laugh as we do a fast walk to the closet.

He pulled out my coat along with his and handed me the mass of black.

"I think this is a good idea" I say firmly pulling my coat over my shoulders.

Phil just nods as he also puts on his jacket. I pay no mind to it and put my shoes on.

I wait patiently for Phil to put his shoes on and when we are done we lead PJ and Chris outside.

"Where were you thinking?" Chris asked me as we waited for our taxi.

(A/N I'm too lazy to go search for restaurants in England so I'm making one up okay? Okay)

"Don't say anything I'm just a huge nerd but its called 'Hogwarts restaurant of salads and sandwiches' and its amazing deal with it" all three of them laughed at me but went along with it.

When we finally got to the small little restaurant we ordered a huge plate of fries to share after a 5 minutes-ish wait for a table.

"Wow these are really great" Pj said taking another fry, he picked up one that was bent and looked me in the eye.

We had an inside joke that neither Chris or Phil knew.

PJ had come out to me. Yup gay as a rainbow.

But he didn't have the courage to come out to anyone but me.

So whenever he found something round or bent or something he would tell me 'at least it's straighter then me' and we would laugh but we couldn't really do that here so he just gave me a nod with a little smirk.

I laughed a little and bit my tongue to look over at Chris and Phil who had obviously witnessed that ordeal.

Phil looked paler then normal, how that's even possible don't ask me, and very nervous while Chris on the other hand looked like he was gonna explode with anger.

I brushed it off and handed them both a fry.

"Phil, Smile it suits you, and Chris, don't explode, I don't wanna have to clean my best friend off the walls" I gave them a little wink and they both started laughing.

After another 5 or 10 minutes something happened that would not be good.

"D-Dan... You may wanna look over there" Phil said pointing to the far corner of the restaurant.

I turned my body and held my breath when I saw, placed in the corner perfectly so she could see our every move, Jenny...

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