Chapter 1: All is well. I hope.

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Dan's POV

I'm living my dream. I think to myself as Phil focuses the camera for our next Philisnotonfire video.

We haven't done one of these in forever. I've missed doing them.

He switches on the camera and the video starts.

"Dan? Phil? Where are your whiskers?" Phil asks mocking a fan.

"HERE!" I squeal and open the sharpie and move it towards Phil, acting as if I'm going to mark up his face.

"No!" He squeals as he jumps back and hits his head off the bed frame. I didn't know his voice could go that high.

"Well we're off to a great start!" I laugh at Phil as he grabs his head in pain.

He mutters something around the lines of "so much brain damage" and I quickly turn the camera off.

"You okay down there?" I ask, trying to stop myself from laughing at the curled up Phil squirming on the carpet.

"Yeah, I guess." He groans, still clutching the back of his head.

"Well, then get your lazy butt up here we have cat whiskers to draw!" I yank his arm so hard I nearly pulled it out of joint.

We turn the camera back on and go from there.

"Hey Phil?" I call from my browsing position as I scroll through Tumblr.

Scroll, reblog, repeat.

"Yeah?" He replies from across the flat. I made him edit the is editing the video. I was so exhausted.

"What should we have for dinner?" I call back. My ears start ringing loudly. I cant pinpoint exactly why.

"How's about we order some pizza?" He answers back. It's not hard to tell he's annoyed because I distracted him from his editing. His dismissive tone shoves me aside so I pull out my phone. We always get the exact same thing, so I order a large pizza and wait for the door bell to ring.

Scroll, reblog, repeat.

Next thing I know I hear a crash coming from the office.

"Phil?" I call out.

"PHIL?" I call once more, louder this time.

I get no answer and I jump up from my browsing position, jogging from the lounge to the office as fast as I can without breaking anything.

My heart races as I get to the room and the window is smashed. The glass is shattered all over the floor and right by the computer desk, lying beside a tipped over chair is Phil. Leaning down next to him, I could feel his breathing. He was alive, that was a good thing.

But that's not what startled me most.

Oh no. Can't just have Phil unconscious on the floor. You also have to have a hooded figure standing in the corner of the room holding a bloody knife.

The next few seconds were a blur. The person jumped back out the window. I looked down at Phil, just noticing the blood in his hair.

It had already started to dry and his hair in that area was clumping into small bits. The drying blood sticking it together. In another second I had my phone in one hand and Phil's hand in my other.

And I called A&E.

My hand squeezed his as I checked his heart beat and his breathing just as the operater had asked.

His breathing was normal and his heart beat too.

He was fine.

Except he was unconscious.

Not Without YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ