Chapter 4: Oops I forgot.

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Phil's POV

I woke up at 6 the next morning. My ears rang in the early morning sunshine.

Yawning I climb our of my soft bed and I make my way across the cold floor to the kitchen where on the counter is a plate of waffles and a note.

I'm sorry for snapping at you last night. Are you hungry? Meet me at Starbucks.

-Your BFFL :Dan

I smile at the note and grab one of the waffles from the plate.

Not to hot, but not to cold.

I eat it quickly as I make my way back to my room and to my closet.

Flipping through my clothes I come across my galaxy shirt and I take it out along with a pair of black jeans and get dressed.

"I guess I'm supposed to go to Starbucks." I say quietly as I slip on my trainers.

I look up from my shoes and raise an eyebrow.

What if.....

I start to walk slowly towards Dans room. Being extra careful not to step on any squeaky patches of floor.

I open the door slightly and look in to find his bed to be mangled and empty.

I sigh and walk out to the road.

I walk the five minutes to the Underground and I swipe my oyster card on the machine thingy.

I sit down on my seat and look to my left.

There sits an old man with one eye. The other eye was covered by an eye patch.

Great, I think, Like I said I attract crazy people.

He started to try to say stuff but it all came out as gurgles and mumbles.

I nod questionably at him and put my headphones in. Headphones save me in pretty much every situation.

It felt like ever before I was off the underground and on my way to starbucks.

I turn onto the street and prepare myself for the worst.

I opened the door and stepped inside.

The door opened and closed with the jingle of a bell. I looked around to try to find Dan.

When I did find him he was sitting at a table at the far back of the shop.

When he saw me he did a double take and smiled.

He looked me straight in the eyes and motioned for me to come over. I smiled back warmly and walked over slowly.

"Hey." I said sitting down next to him.

"Hey." He replied slowly like he was nervous about something.

"Thanks for those waffles this morning they were really good." I say trying to break the ice.

"No problem! I had some time on my hands and I thought you might be up early. So I set this up." He says smiling at me.

"How'd you guess? Totally no psycic connection." I joke.

"Well you always get up early when you'd stressed, sad, worried or angry. It comes from living with you I guess." He replys as we hear something strange being called from the counter.

"PHAN AND DIL?" No... He didn't. Did he?

"Dan did you put Phan and Dil as our names for our drinks?" I say facepalming as I laugh my head off.

"Maybe." He says jumping up and jogging to get the drinks.

"Nice one." I say taking a sip from the cup he hands me.

"Yeah well." He says also taking a sip. "Anyway I did this so we'd be on good terms when we went to the station."

I almost choked on my drink. I forgot all about going to see the police about the break in.

"Oh my gosh Phil you didn't forget?" He says taking his turn to laugh at me.

"Oh no definitely not. It just made me almost choke on my drink for no reason." I say sarcastically as I take another sip.

"Well we are going. When you finish we can head off." He says trying to cover up a few remaining giggles.

I nod and start to vacuum the drink into my mouth.

"Well that was tasty. Now lets go!" I say standing up and grabbing my phone.

"Okay okay I'm coming! Dont leeeave meeee!" He whines as he trys to zip my coat up.

"Hurry up!" I whisper yell back at him.

"I'm coming!" And with that we were on our way to the station.

"Names?" A short lady asks us when we get to the counter.

"Umm Dan Howell and Phil Lester." Dan says awkwardly.

"You just can't be normal can you?" I whisper into his ear.

He nudges my arm and turns back to the officer.

"Sorry about that." He said to her. "My friend here doesn't take things seriously."

I swear when he said friend her eyes grew and she perked up.

"Um yes okay why are you here fellas?" She says quickly taking out a notpad and a blue pen.

"Well we had a break in. 3 days ago. Knocked me unconscious and left when Dan came in. They didn't steal anything I don't think." I say before Dan can speak even though that question sounded like it was for him. She looked mad that I answered not Dan.

"Okay sir. We'll send an officer over straight away. Do you need a ride or?" She asks this time I let Dan answer to see what he says.

"Yeah that would be great." She smiles wide and points to a couch on the other side of the room.

We nod and head over to sit down on the couch.

You could feel the springs pushing through the rough surface of the couch.

"So comfortable wouldn't you say?" I tease.

"Oh yes it feels just like my bed!" He says sarcastically back.

We burst out laughing at our own jokes. Just like old times.

"This is better- then silence" Dan manages out between croaks of laughter.

"Definitely!" I say back holding onto his shoulder for support.

He returns the gesture holding my shoulder as well and we stay in that position laughing to ourselves until the officer that helped us at the desk comes back.

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