End of The Day

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-Paisley's POV-

"I really hope you and Saracen are happy! You wouldn't even be with him without me and I ask for your help for one night. You gave me crap because I ruined your precious date at the Alamo Freeze. That's when I realized, you aren't any better than Lyla Garrity and the rest of them. Everyone in this town is just alike and I can't wait to leave, I don't want to talk to either of you...please forget my number."

I gasped as she turned around and ran away crying. What just happened? What happened in there? What did I do?  Why does she hate me? All these thoughts rushed through my mind as I watched her walk away. I looked at Matt breathing heavy and starting to tear up. It finally hit me, all those words she said hit me in my gut. Please forget my number kept playing in my head over and over again. I couldn't help but burst into tears I pressed my body against the wall behind me and just cried into my hands. Matt didn't know what to do or how to handle this. He frowned and awkwardly hugged me holding me close to his chest.

He kissed the top of my head but I kept crying and he said "She probably didn't mean it. Something just went on in there and she just lost it. It'll be okay soon."

I didn't want to listen to Matt. Everything he said my body kept saying no you're lying, leave me alone, you're all wrong she hates me. I couldn't even say a word I just cried. Eventually Matt took me home and laid me down in my bed. I didn't want him to leave but at the same time I didn't want him to see me like this. I just kept a hold of his hand. He might have got the message because he just stayed next to me holding my hand tightly. I eventually cried myself to sleep. Everything that just happened, happened way too fast. I thought I was coming home with my best friend and getting to watch movies and eat junk food...nope. I came home to a river of tears flowing down my face.

I woke up and Matt was asleep next to me. I sniffed and rubbed my eyes, I went to take a shower and put my pajamas on laying down on my bed. "Are you okay?" Matt pulled me close to his body.

All I could do is shrug. I didn't really know what to say or how to put anything into words. "Look Paisley it's going to be alright. I promise. She'll come back." He said, and kissed my forehead and I could feel the tears burning to come out. I looked down and played with his shirt. "It's okay. I'm here. You can talk to me when you're ready."

I teared up and pressed my head in his chest. I was tired of crying. Why was I crying so much? I felt like Matt didn't want to be there, he probably needed to go home to his grandma. She needs him. I didn't want him to leave but I was right. His grandma need's him right now. I looked up at him and sniffed. "G-Go h-home. Y-Your g-grandma n-needs y-you..." I said, covering myself up in a blanket and continued to cry. He frowned and sighed.

"Come with me."

I know he wanted to help me but I didn't want it "Matt please. I'm a distraction."

He frowned and didn't want to argue so he got up and left. I ended up crying myself back to sleep wondering if this will ever stop. The pain in my heart was so heavy. I needed him, but I also needed Hayleigh back.

The next day I woke up for school. I didn't want to go, I wanted to stay here. I didn't want to see Hayleigh there or Matt or Tyler. I wanted to stay home and just be alone. My Mom left for work like usual and I called in saying I had a stomach virus. I was not going to school. Instead I laid in bed and ordered pizza. I made my room very dark, quiet, and full of food. I probably gained 20 pounds but I could care less. I just wanted to be home alone.

Eventually it became Thursday. I've had 30 missed calls from Matt, 25 text from Tyler, yet nothing from Hayleigh. Whatever, I don't care. Obviously she doesn't want to be my friend. I don't get why but hey if she doesn't want to be my friend I can't make her. I don't need her! I don't need anyone. I'm perfectly fine.

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