Loosing Your Memory

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*Hayleigh's POV*

I looked at her a smiled slightly, I didn't want to be a burden on her and hinder her from seeing Matt. I just didn't know where to go last night but I will probably stay here with Jason tonight. I guess I just caught her off guard, I really didn't mean to ruin her date. I grabbed the door knob and walked in and smiled, saying "Hey Jason!" That was the moment when my day went from bad to worst...Lyla Garrity was here. She wasn't just here, they were all over each other and I broke, bursting into tears.

He pushed her off and looked at me, saying "Hayleigh! This isn't what it looks like! Please let me explain!"

I shook my head, crying harder and replied "No Jason! This is exactly what it looks like and honestly I should have expected it. I let my guard down because I trusted you and you became everything to me...but I see this was a huge joke to you! You were the only thing about this stupid town I liked but I realized you are as bad as the rest of them...its whatever! I should have known it was her all along, was I just a way to get back at her...I hate you and never want to see you again." I took a deep breath, trying to calm down "Pl-please just forget about me! Screw you Jason Street." I walked out crying and slammed the door. I sat there in the hall, crying in my hands. I felt like I was dying, as I held my chest, I think I felt my heart shatter.

Herc sighed and looked at him, shaking his head and said "Oh way to go QB! I actually kind of liked her."

When I calmed down, I got up and went to where Paisley and Matt were. I didn't care what they were talking about, I walked up to them anyway. I wiped my eyes and said "I really hope you and Saracen are happy! You wouldn't even be with him without me and I ask for your help for one night. You gave me crap because I ruined your precious date at the Alamo Freeze. That's when I realized, you aren't any better than Lyla Garrity and the rest of them. Everyone in this town is just alike and I can't wait to leave, I don't want to talk to either of you...please forget my number."

I didn't stay long enough for either of them to have time to reply, I walked to my car crying. I drove to the Applebee's where Tyra worked, I know we had talked in a while but we used to be pretty close, before everything happened. I didn't really have many more options on where I could go.

I walked in and seen her over at a table, I wasn't even sure what I was going to say. When she got done, she came over to me and said "Hayleigh? You okay?"

I wiped my eyes the best I could but the tears were still coming. I then said "Tyra, I know we haven't talked in forever but I really need someone right now...and something to drink would be nice too."

She pulled me into a hug and I hugged back crying into her. She replied "Ok, first tell me what happened and when I get off we will go get that drink."

I explained everything, the best I could through the tears. She looked at me and said "First off I am so sorry about all of this but Hayleigh! You know better than to get involved with those people. Definitely Lyla! You are going to need more than one drink, I will be off in a just a little bit."

When Tyra got off work we left and went to the one place she knew would have alcohol. Oh my, we are at Tim Riggins house, this was her grand idea. I thought as was walked to the door and she knocked. Tim came to the door and said "Tyra? I thought you hated me...what can I do for you?"

She sighed and said "You for sure aren't my favorite person right now, but I know you can somehow buy beer. I need some, we need some and for payment you can join us."

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