In My Veins

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*Hayleigh's POV*

I smiled at Paisley and walked back in the room, I knew I needed to get home. I just didn't want to leave...this all felt too good to be true, like if I left then it would disappear. Like when I came back and everything would be back to normal and he would be with Lyla. I had wanted this since my freshman year and I honestly didn't think it would ever happen. I gathered my things and I kissed his head, going home.

I went in and up to my room, getting ready for bed. I was washing my face when my mom came in and said "Hey, did you have fun tonight at the game?"

I smiled and bit my lip thinking about it, and then looked at her "I had an amazing time at the game. Did you and dad enjoy it?"

I finished washing my face as she said "We did, and I am going to bed I just wanted to see if you were ok. Goodnight baby."

I smiled and got in bed, thinking about everything that had happened. I can still feel the kisses on my lips and how in that moment the world just felt like it stopped. I went to sleep thinking about it.

The next morning, I went downstairs and got my morning cup of coffee and told my parents I was going to Paisley's in a little bit, then going to see Jason. They both gave me that look of you're doing what? But neither of the said anything and I just smiled. After breakfast I got ready and went over to Paisley's house.

I smiled at Paisley and said "So I don't think my parents are going to be too happy about me and Jason but you have a date this evening, are you excited for dinner?"

She smiled, trying to pick out the perfect outfit and replied "You know I'm excited, but so nervous about it at the same time. What if it doesn't go good and I make a fool of myself!"

I giggled at how nervous she was said "Paisley, you won't do that and you know they will love you! You will have a great time and he really likes you." I laid there on her bed thinking.

She kept looking at her clothes and said "I know, I really hope you are right! Now why are going to be upset?"

I sighed and replied "Because I told them I was going there after I left your house and you should have seen the look on their face, they were not looking very happy about when I tell them about us I don't know how they are going to act."

She looked at me and smiled "Hey I am sure it will be fine! I don't see why they wouldn't be, maybe they were just caught off guard. I bet you guys are so cute! Now which outfit should I wear to Matt's?"

I pointed to one and she smiled and went to change, I was still freaking out internally about the whole thing. What if my parents do hate this? When she came back I was caught up in thoughts and she giggled and said "Hayleigh! Does this look ok?"

I was brought out of my thoughts and smiled "Yes! You look so good Paisley, Matt is going to love it!"

I did her hair and we hung out till it was time for her to go to Matt's and I went to see Jason. I walked in and smiled, saying "Hey, have you had a good day?"

He smiled and motioned for me to come there, I giggled and went over there. He said "It is better now. I am sorry I fell asleep on you, but you could have woke me up and said bye. "

I softly kissed his lips and got butterflies from it, then said "I'm sorry but you looked like you were sleeping really go..." I started to finish but was cut off by another kiss and I smiled.

He pulled me close and I felt completely content at the moment. Just lying there in his arms, with my head on his chest. He then said "Hayleigh, why do you want to mess your life with me?"

I looked up at him and said "Why would you say that Jason, you are in no way a mess up and I chose to be with you and I want you. I knew exactly what I was doing and I wouldn't change that. I choose you Jason and would always choose you, in any world or any version of reality. "

He smiled and kissed me passionately, I kissed back cupping his face. He said "I hope you know you are so amazing" and kisses my forehead.

I get serious butterflies from that and clung to him drawing circles on his chest with my finger. I looked up at him and smiled then pulled his shirt up and kissed his chest and said "Can you feel that?"

He smiled looking up at the ceiling and said "Yes."

I smiled and moved down a little and kissed him again, then ask "Can you feel that?"

He smiled wider and replied to me "Yes."

I smiled and moved down more and kissed him it "How about that?"

His smile soon faded and frowned, answering "No..."

I moved back up and kissed his lips, we laid there talking and joking for a really long time. When I looked at the clock I knew I needed to get home, mostly because I wasn't sure how my parents would take this. I looked up at him and pecked his lips, then said "Hey I need to get home, I will come back tomorrow. I promise."

He smiled and kissed me sweetly "Ok, I will see you in the morning. Bye Hay."

I smiled and kissed him once more "Bye Street, I'll miss you." I left and drove home, I sat there in my car for a second. I didn't want to go in over something, I probably overthought. Finally I got out of the car and went in. I walked into the living room and told them I was home.

My parents smiled at me and my dad said "where have you been darling? Come sit down." And my mom patted the couch.

I went over and sit down then answered "I told you before I left, I went to Paisley's and then she left for her date with Matt and I went to see Jason." I sit there playing with my hands, I just hope they didn't overreact about this.

My dad sighed at the mention of me and boys, I knew he wouldn't like that. He said "Jason Street? Lyla's ex-boyfriend, the now crippled Quarterback. Are you and him a thing now? Oh Hayleigh I sure hope not."

I took a few deep breaths then looked at him "You know what! You could be a lot nicer, and I am not answering any of your questions about it...I will just get yelled at either way."

I looked down just wanting out of this, I knew my dad was mad and wanted to say so much, when I heard my mom sigh and she then said "Hayleigh, you have your whole future ahead of you...You don't need that to deal with. What about all your plans for college? I know this is what you have wanted for a while and what happened was absolutely terrible, but he is going to only hold you back."

I just sit there, trying my best not to snap and let it all out. I can't believe this is how they would act about this, I figured they would be happy for me, I mean they haven't seen me this happy since we moved here. My mom then said "You are going to graduate in a few months and then go off to college and meet so many amazing people. Hayleigh this is just a boy and was dealt a crap hand at life, but if it didn't happen then he wouldn't look twice at you. You need to just move on."

I teared up and said "Maybe not mom, if this hadn't have happened then he would go off to the NFL with Lyla Garrity. I would go off to college hating the world, and honestly I can't believe you two feel like this. I am happiest I have been since we moved to this stupid town and y'all could care less about that! Mom he is just be a boy, but a boy I have loved since 9th grade...Its whatever!" I started crying harder and walked out of the room.

I was going upstairs to my room when my dad said "Hayleigh, you know Buddy gave Lyla the same talk...we are just telling you this because we want better for you!"

I looked at him and yelled "Oh great! My dad now takes parenting lessons from Buddy Garrity! Such a good influence dad! He sleeps around and so does Lyla, Would you like it better if I screwed Tim Riggins because I can work on that!" I ran up to my room and threw some of my belongings in a bag, then grabbed my keys.

My mom looked at me and said "Where do you think you are going now?"

I replied crying "I really don't know where I'm going but I am not staying here....Bye!" I walked out the door and left. I called Paisley, as I was driving, I knew she was probably still with Matt but I really needed her. As it rang I just kept thinking Please Answer Please Answer Please Answer.

-thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy! :)

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