Girl Crush

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*Hayleigh's POV*

The weeks hadn't been that bad without cheer practice but now it was Friday, and I was going to my first football game I wouldn't be cheering at. Worst of all I hadn't talked my boyfriend into joining me yet, this was going to be awful. I wasn't cheering so that gave me an excuse to have to talk to my parents, for sure if Jason didn't go.

I got ready and sit down beside him, wrapping my arms around him. I kissed his cheek and said "So your parents are going to the game tonight and I was planning on going to the game tonight. It would make me the happiest girl in the world if you would come with haven't been to a game since you got home. Please Jason?"

He smiled and kissed me, replying "I would have to go get ready and then once we got there everyone would act so concerned or stare. I just don't really like being treated like I need help..."

I looked at him with big eyes, looking super pouty and said "Please Jason Please,"

He kissed my nose and said "Ok, ok. I will go, let me go get ready." He went to his to get changed for the game.

I smiled and laid on my stomach, on his bed and watched him. I loved everything about him, he can make me smile when I am on the verge of tears. I didn't want to ever lose him, I suppose that was why I had so many fears.

When he was almost ready, he pulled out his jersey and held it there in his hands. He looked at it for the longest time, then looked at me and said "do you think I should wear my jersey or not?" He went back to looking at it.

I smiled at him and said "Of course you should, no matter what you are my favorite player Street. If you don't the jersey, then I will wear it to the game!"

He pulled me into a kiss, then said "ok I will wear it and do you think you join the cheer team again? I think you should Hayleigh, you love and you have the choice to go do it again. I would go back to Football in a heartbeat."

I sighed and wanted to say so much at that moment but bit my tongue, saying "We need to go babe."

We got to the game, it was the first game of the playoffs and we were playing the McNulty Mavericks. I noticed myself to be watching the cheerleaders more than I was the game at this point. I did miss it but it seemed like a thing of the past right now, how could joining back happen when I knew those things. Maybe you are overthinking this Hayleigh, you always do! I was then brought out of my thoughts by the Halftime buzzer. I noticed Callie trying to get my attention and I walked over there and said "Did you need something?"

She looked at me and said "Well one you look absolutely miserable and two I really need to talk to you. The whole thing that happened was a huge deal but neither yours nor Paisley's fault. So can we walk and talk for a minute?"

I sighed and I wasn't sure I wanted to hear any more about it, but nodded my head and walked off with her. "So what happened?"

Callie stopped and looked at me, once we were not with everyone and said "Hayleigh, what happened was terrible and it got blown out of proportion more than we ever thought. I miss you so much and I really want you to be back on the team. Paisley wasn't ever mad at you, until one day I practice. I was jealous of her becoming your best friend, I didn't even know you had a boyfriend. Tessa, she just hates you and Lyla wanted to take her boyfriend back. So I guess we were all just upset and told Paisley some things that weren't true. That's why she stopped talking to you and that's why you weren't invited to the party...She didn't say those things about Jason, Tessa made all that up. I am so sorry Hayleigh and I understand if you hate me but you shouldn't hate her...she didn't do anything."

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