The Only Reason

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-Paisley's POV-

"Paisley you go get your kisses!" Hayleigh said.

I blushed a deep shade of red. I can't believe we won! Panthers won! I'm so happy for Matt, He did so well playing the game and passing the football off. I was so proud of Matt. I ran towards all the football players, I couldn't see him anywhere. I ran over to Tim "Tim have you seen Matt?!" I asked trying to catch my breath.

Tim drank some water and cheered for winning then said "Nope. The last I saw he was going into the locker rooms with the coach."

I walked over to the locker rooms but didn't go inside. The coach came out and I stopped him in his tracks and he asked "Hey Paisley, how may I help you?"

Coach Taylor smiled and I and I smiled back "Good. Have you seen Matt?" I asked hoping he would know the answer to the question.

"He just left my office. I haven't seen him after that."

I groaned and nodded thanking him. Where is Matt? I kept searching for him. I sighed and sat down on the bleachers kicking my feet. I watched all the other football players kiss their girlfriends and cheer in happiness for winning, I was starting to worry about him. Where would he have gone? All of a sudden it got really dark, I couldn't see anything! I screamed in fear not registering what just happened. "Guess who." I heard a familiar voice call out.

Almost instantly a smile shot on my face, Matt. Finally he's here! After looking all over he found me!

"MATT!" I turned my body around and kissed him hugging him tightly.

He smiled and chuckled a bit hugging me back. I squeezed him tightly not wanting to let go. I whispered a 'congratulations' in his ear. He smiled and just hugged me. You could tell he didn't know when to let go or if he should stay there. I let go of the hug and smiled at him. He smiled back at me and looked at the ground. "Did...Did you enjoy the game?" He asked still a bit nervous.

I smiled and kissed his nose blushing. He was absolutely adorable when he was nervous. He wouldn't make eye contact with you, he looks at his shoes or the ground, he plays with his hands, and he bites his bottom lip. "Yes! You did so well Matt. I'm proud of you." I smiled and hugged him again.

I stayed on his arms for a while just letting him hold me. I was thinking about if I should give him a celebration kiss or let him do it if he wants it. I looked up at him and he looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back and the next thing I knew was our lips connected. Our lips were so in sync with each other's, it felt so right. The way he was holding me, the way he kissed me, everything about Matt was perfect.

"Matt Honey!!" Matt's grandma said, running over to us.

He hurried away from my face and cleared his throat. I giggled and looked at his grandma as he said "Grandma this is Paisley, Paisley my Grandma."

"Nice to meet you darling." His grandma said

I smiled at her and replied "Thank you it's nice to meet you too!"

He smiled at us meeting each other. He was so excited two of his favorite people liked each other. "I'll be sitting over there Matt." His Grandma smiled and left to sit at the bleachers.

I smiled at him and he smiled back. He was standing there awkwardly. I didn't know what to do or say. I just stood there looking down at my feet. He smiled and stood there. He cleared his throat and I looked at him. "So." He scratched the back of his head.

"Congratulations on the win!" I smiled at him and said.

He smiled back and replied "Thanks."

He smiled and we hugged tightly and I looked up at him, he smiled down at me. I awkwardly leaned in standing on my tippy toes he smiled and leaned in slowly. Our lips connected. I smiled into the kiss. I felt fireworks shoot off my heart burst. I felt a shockwave go throughout my body. It felt amazing. I loved this kiss more than anything. I smiled and looked at him blushing.

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