Skinny Love

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-Paisley's POV-

"So tell me about you and Saracen!" Hayleigh's voice rang through my ears.

I could feel my cheeks turn a bright red. I bit my lip and smiled "We're good friends that's all." I look at my ice cream and took a bite.

Hayleigh wasn't accepting that answer "No seriously. I want to know EVERY SINGLE DETAIL!" She giggled and so did I.

I nodded and took a breath "Well, he's pretty great," I smiled, "he's so nice and caring. He takes care of his grandmother when he's not busy with school and sports. His Dad's in the military right now. He's stationed in Iraq and should be home soon. Matt is cute, funny, amazingly sweet, he tells bad jokes sometimes but they're funny. Let's just say he's the Red Hot Chili Peppers!"

I giggled and smiled at the thought of him. Matt was my crush. I haven't even told Tyler yet. I had a feeling Hayleigh and I were going to be great friends. That's exciting me. I've tried so hard for her to finally accept me as a friend. "Awww Paisley that's adorable!" She chimed in smiling at me.

I blushed more looking at me feet smiling like an idiot. I was kind of shy about boys. I've never had a boyfriend. Before I knew Tyler I had a crush on him. But once I talked to him and found out he didn't like women I kind of backed off and became his friend. Now he's literally my bestie!! But anyway, guys and I never worked out. I've never asked one out and they've never asked me out. It's been hard really. I am teaching myself to be more outgoing than I used to be. I want to make more friends and hopefully have a boyfriend sometime before I'm 30.

"Thanks Hayleigh. What do you like so much about Jason if I may ask?" I saw her look over a shrug.

I bit my lip nervously hoping she wouldn't be mad "Um. I don't want to talk about it." She looked down and ate more of her ice cream.

I hugged her tightly and nodded "It's okay. Let's go upstairs and do each other's make up."

She smiled and we went to my room and sat down. I got all my make up out of my make-up drawer "Do you think Matt likes you?" Hayleigh asked as we walked back up to my room.

I shrugged "I hope so. I really like him. He's been real nice to me lately."

Hayleigh smiled and awed "You two would honestly be the cutest thing ever!!"

I smiled and blushed looking down. Maybe Matt and I would be cute.

The next day was Saturday. Hayleigh and I got up and watched cartoons al morning in our pajamas. Hayleigh asked "Want to go to the mall? I want to buy some new outfits."

I smiled and nodded "Sure the mall sounds awesome!" I smiled and changed out of my pajamas.

I was excited to spend the day with Hayleigh. I think we're becoming pretty close! We got out the car and went straight to Hollister. "I would love to work here just to stare at the boys!" I said laughing.

Hayleigh giggled and nodded in agreement "They are pretty hot!!" She giggled.

We walked out with our bags and got hungry. We started walking towards the food court when I saw Matt. I gasped and blushed trying not to make any eye contact. Hayleigh saw him and waved him down then elbowed me and whispered in my ear, "You got this! Don't worry. It'll all work out!"

I started to panic and he came over "Hey Hayleigh! How is everything?" Matt smiled giving her a hug.

She smiled and hugged back "I'm good Matt. Are you okay?" She sounded a bit worried.

Matt nodded and Hayleigh smiled softly "Okay, I'm glad. Well I'm going to get a smoothie you two can talk I'll be back!"

He smiled and Hayleigh left. I looked at Matt and he smiled saying "Hello Paisley. How are you?"

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