Language Of Flowers | Crowley x Shy! Reader

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I recently published this mikayuu book, it would be nice if y'all are kind enough to read it & vote/ comment? Thank you!

requested by @animecrazegirl


"I'm s-sorry, what?"She peered up at him through her reading glasses , eyebrows angled into a furrow at the male standing in front of her desk.

He seemed perfectly confident, although the occasional tremor in his voice and lip-biting gave him away.It was adorable to see the usually calm boy slightly flustered.

"I said, I want ask you out on Valentine's Day."A pleasant smile had found its way to his face.

"O-oh.."Her face was completely red now, and all her classmates had turned away to stare at both her and Crowley.

Her head landed on the table with a loud bang, embarrassed beyond words.She fanned her hands on her face, trying to calm herself down before she lifted her head off the table and avoided eye contact with Crowley.

"I guess..t-that's alright.."She muttered silently to Crowley.

His red optics dilated at her response, having expected a rejection instead.He scratched the back of his head awkwardly, before adding ,"I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow?" and left.

How awkward.


They were in his car, the windows rolled down so that they could enjoy the breeze.She had stuck her head out of the car, admiring the scenery as her hair flew in the wind.When she put her head back in the car, her hair was tousled.

Crowley forced himself not to laugh at her, and while keeping his eyes on the road, reached out to pat her hair back into place.

"We're here."

They arrived at a small restaurant near the beach , nothing fancy but extremely special to the duo.Her heart was beating fast, and she wobbled in her shoes trying to walk steadily.She was feeling light-headed.He had made reservations for two, and they took their places respectively, him courteously giving her a gift.

She gave him something in return too: a box of chocolates and a bunch of flowers.However, they were not any kind of flowers.They were hand-picked dandelions pressed onto a piece a paper.

"Flowers? You're the first girl whose given me flowers."He grinned, running his hand over the dandelions.

Her cheeks were tinted and she covered her face with her hands."There's a meaning for every flower.A-Ah, that's lame, I'm really sorry."

Crowley took her hands in his, laughing quietly at the flustered girl."No really, I think that's adorable and unique."

"So, what does dandelions mean then?"

"It's a symbol for new beginnings."She replied.

He was honestly so impressed, she was so smart, too smart for him.

"A-anyway, shall we order?"She steered clear of the topic, the fact that she'd given him flowers was embarrassing her.

She ordered pasta, and Crowley learnt she was vegan who was unable to hurt animals, while Crowley just ordered wine.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

He told her he was full.

She thoughtfully tried many times to offer to share her food, but he kept declining until she gave up and ate her pasta in silence.

They walked out after paying, walking to the beach where they watched the dark sea.She unconsciously shivered in her thin clothing, having forgotten to bring her jacket.

"Are you cold?"He probed worriedly.

She shook her head frantically, a lopsided grin on her face to show she was fine.He did not believe her and took out his jacket and put it on her shoulders.She pulled it closer to her body.

"Thank you."


"You know , Y/N, you're the first girl I ever loved.I brought you daisies, remember when you taught me the meaning behind flowers?"Crowley asked, his long braided hair swished gently at the back on his head.

He patted her gravestone affectionately, placing the daisies on her grave.

"I miss you so much."A tear slipped down his face, his grief overwhelming and he walked away, heartbroken.


I bet you thought this was gonna be date rape (╭☞•́•̀)╭☞

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