Maid In Demand; Mika x Yuu

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yES I lOVE thiS aU.conTAINS smUt s o ooPS & yES I delETEd the previOUS onE-shOt bC it wAs bad //crinGE

Requested & kindly provided AU by: @KMY1999 !


Yuu stared at the small maid outfit laid out neatly, with a matching headband and socks.He was red in the face,the costume was obviously meant for a girl and for someone smaller and shorter than him.He had expressed his discontent to Shinoa, but her only reply was "The tighter the better~".

If he had a choice, he would not even had went for the interview at the maid cafe near the university he studied at.But school fees were exorbitant and his parents were unable to accommodate his spendings on study supplies.At the maid cafe, the payment was abundant and there were flexible working hours.

Yuu's face was red as he imagined himself going around, serving customers.He was surprised when the owner hired him, despite knowing he was a male, because he could easily pass off as a girl.This was mainly because they had a shortage of maids and thus their business would go bust without more maids.The fact that he looked like a girl made him scowl and curl his lip in disgust.

Reluctantly, he slipped on the dress, followed by the frilly apron, socks and finally the headband.He shivered at the cool material coming into contact with his bare skin.Unfortunately for him, he had to put on female underwear too, in case people suspected he was a male and looking up his skirt.

His blush deepened more when he stepped out of the staff's changing room, fully aware of the whispers and nudges he was getting from all the customers.His steps were wobbly and he shut his eyes, embarrassed as hell.

"Yuu-chan?"A familiar voice made him open his eyes again.

A blonde with beautiful, enchanting blue eyes was looking at him, a confused expression evident on his face.Mika.

Although the two had known each other since 3rd grade, they stopped talking to each other once they made new friends.As if by bad luck, Mika was also attending the same university as him and taking the same course.

Ever since Yuu was young, he always felt something towards Mika that he brushed off as familial love.Even now, he still felt that awkward twinge and longing in his heart every time he saw the blonde.He felt plain in comparison to the Greek God-like male.

"S-Sorry,I'm not who y-you're looking for."Yuu hastily replied, already trying to walk away.

He reached out to grab Yuu's wrist, stopping him from going any further.

"Please don't lie to me, Yuu-chan.You have a lot of explaining to do."He narrowed his eyes at the shorter male, trying to look as threatening as possible.

During Yuu's break, they sat at a table for Yuu to explain himself.Gulping his drink, Mika couldn't help but think about how cute and adorable Yuu was in his outfit, and how seeing Yuu in that way had affected him so much.Mika tried desperately to not think about him taking Yuu right there and then on the table.

After Yuu had explained himself, Mika nodded, taking his hands in his.

"I'll be able to help you with your financial crisis.My uncle is like, super rich and literally showers me with money all the time.But in exchange , you'll have to do me a little favor."He swallowed thickly, anticipating his reply.

"Of course! Why not?"Yuu was oblivious to Mika's real intentions, forgetting how much Mika had changed as they grew older.

Keeping in mind that another 45 minutes left until Yuu's break ends, Mika brought Yuu to the staff changing room, pushing furniture against the door so that no one could enter.

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