The Suicide Squad; Shinsuba

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Notes : a bit of angst and comforting.Suicidal thoughts, feel free to not read if you're uncomfortable.

"Listen to me!"Mitsuba cried, carefully gripping Shinoa's wrists to avoid hurting her.

Shinoa was quiet, completely different from her usual personality.Her lavender-coloured bangs fell over her eyes , covering the bright eyes filled with tears.

"Aww, Mi-chan is worried about me? Hehe, don't worry , I'm alright."Through her blurred vision, she could make out the blonde's faint outline.

Mitsuba grabbed Shinoa's face , making her look into her eyes, worry etched on her pretty features.Shinoa only twisted her face out of her reach, avoiding looking at her as much as possible.

"Please, stop hurting yourself.I can't lose you."The taller girl begged.

"Stupid girl.I told you already, the wound on my wrist was an accident, okay? I tried to cook and ended up cutting myself."Shinoa patted her friend's shoulder lightly, walking away from her.

As time passed, the wounds on her wrist multiplied, each slash deeper and uglier than the last.No matter how hard Shinoa tried to cover them, those battle scars marring her beautiful skin, Mitsuba always saw them, getting more worried.Mitsuba was not sure whether the feelings she had for Shinoa were merely worry as a friend, or love.

The blonde knew how much the other was suffering, how much she hated her own self, for not living up to the expectations of a Hiragi family.Her self-hatred was small at first, merely addressing herself as "trash", and it escalated to slashes on the wrist.Mitsuba truly loved her, and it pained her to see how much her precious Shinoa was suffering.

"Hey, Mi-chan?"Shinoa called out, her hand on top of the other girl's.

A blush tainted the blonde's cheeks from the hand-holding."Yeah?"

"Don't you want to go somewhere far away from here? If I could, I'll bring you with me."Shinoa blurted out, thinking thoughtfully.

At that moment in time, Mitsuba had not realized the meaning behind her words, thinking she had meant that they go on a holiday somewhere.

"I would, but you know I can't.We have responsibilities and obligations, you know?"

Shinoa closed her copper-coloured eyes for a while."Hm, I guess you're right.I'll just go by myself then."

Before Mitsuba could reply, the small girl had run off with a skip in her step.


She gritted her teeth, her head pressed against the cool bathroom tiles.The purple-haired girl was sweating, the sliver of glass held firmly in her grasp, as she brought it down the her left wrist.Shinoa sighed in relief at the wave of pain that overcome her, the overwhelming feeling that made her feel alive, even if it was temporary.

She was sprawled on the bathroom floor, her red blood staining the white tiles as she stared up at the ceiling.She cut herself every time the relief vanished.Another.It was almost addicting, an escape from the cruel world.She decided there and then that she would rather die there than go on another day.

Shinoa hesitated when she thought of Mitsuba.Mitsuba, who always tried to protect her from the pain, who always cared for her when she found Shinoa broken.And now, she could not see Mitsuba anymore.Her eyes widened in panic, struggling to get up, but she had lost too much blood.Suddenly, she realized, she did not want to die.

Only because Mitsuba was the one she wanted to live for.Even an afterlife without Mitsuba was not worth living.

"Mi-Chan...I-I want.. to l-live..for y-you.."Shinoa gasped, her breathing shallow, unable to save herself from death.

Just as Shinoa closed her eyes, Mitsuba barged into her bathroom, only to find Shinoa on the floor.Tear droplets dripped down her cheeks at the sight, it was surprising as she was hardly one to display or even have emotions.

Mitsuba called for an ambulance, before crumpling to the floor beside the petite girl, placing Shinoa's head on her lap.The blonde ran her hand through Shinoa's silky lavender locks, tears still running down her face.Her shoulders shook as she wracked with sobs.

"I love you, Shinoa..P-Please don't l-leave me."She whispered.

Shinoa used the remaining energy left in her body."I love you too."


Mitsuba drew back the curtain, her eyes rimmed with red as she sat down on the side of the bed and held the girl in the bed's hand.

Her left wrist had been heavily bandaged , and it lay limp and unmoving on the bed.Shinoa looked up at Mitsuba, blinking slowly.

"Remember when you told me you wanted to go somewhere far away?"She only got a weak nod in response."Let's go together, Shinoa."

A smile formed on Shinoa's face, a real, genuine one Mitsuba had not seen for so long.


idk up to you to decide whether they die together or run away together but eh, it's a happy ending.take it or leave it lol.

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