Chapter Sixteen

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Your POV

Kimmy had spent the night. I had gone to bed early, by early I mean 12, and she stayed up. I just couldn't wait to see the guys and Haruhi again!

I looked at my appearance. My Chemical Romance shirt, skinny jeans, and converse. Beautiful. (ugh my shift key is being a bitch!)

"F/n!" I heard someone shout. Kimmy.

"What?" I said running my hands through my hair.

"When are the hotties gonna be here?" She asked.

"Soon." I said. I turned to see her in a crop top and skirt (on the side)

I shook my head at her. "What?' She asked innocently. I flicked her forehead.

"Baka.' (Idiot) I said.

"Huh?" she asked.

"Exactly." I said.

The door bell rang. I looked out my window to see a limo, 6 very handsome boys, and 1 beautiful girl. My breath hitched in my throat as I saw her.

It hurt seeing her. I wanted to run out there and kiss her, but I couldn't. It would be so much harder to say goodbye that way.

Kimmy squealed and ran towards my door. "Beat ya there!" She shouted. I ran towards my door but she slammed it shut. I ran straight into the door and stumbled back holding my forehead.

"Shit." I cursed and swung my door open. I raced down the stairs.

"You little shit! get back here!" I shouted.

I heard a door shut. As I ran to the foyer I saw the host club standing there.

"F/n-Chan!" Honey shouted and jumped up hugging. I glared at Kimberlee over Honey's shoulder as I hugged him.

"Hey honey." I said.

"Why is your forehead red?" Kaoru asked.

"Someone slammed a door in my face." I said set setting down Honey and charging at Kimmy.

"Hey! It's not my fault!" She shouted squirming underneath me.

"You shut it in my face!" I shouted. She began kicking.

"Get your fat ass off of me!" She shouted pounding her fists on my back. It didn't really hurt that much.

"Rude." I said and flicked her forehead. B/n picked me up and off of Kimmy.

Kim and I stared at each other for a few seconds....Before busting into laughter.

I then turned to the hosts. "Hey guys." I said. I watched as the twins walked up to Kimmy and wrapped their arms around her shoulders leaning on her.

"Who's this?" They asked. Kimmy didn't mind their attention.

"Kimberlee." I said.

"She's cute." Hikaru said.

"Sure is." Kaoru said.

"Well, can you wait to feel her up later?" I asked. Kimmy smirked.

"They don't have to." She said and began walking off to the other room pulling them along. I grabbed the twins collars.

"No! No taking advantage of my friends.' I said.

"Aww but I was really hoping I could help undress this one later.' Kimmy said nudging Kaoru.

Hikaru grabbing Kaoru's chin and pulled him close. "But Kaoru....I thought I was the only one allowed to undress you." Hikaru said, he sounded....hurt.

Kimberlee's eyes widened and she backed up.

"Don't worry. It's normal." I said.

"I'm Ta-" Tamaki started.

"I know. F/n told me. She has pictures of you all everywhere in her room." She said smirking. My face turned red.

"Aw did f/n miss us?" Kaoru teased.

"Shut it." I said and smacked his arm.

My eyes met Haruhi's and the atmosphere grew tense.

"Oh! You must be Haruhi!" Kim exclaimed.

"You are even more beautiful then in the pictures. Literally goals!" She said smiling. She was about an inch away from Haruhi's face.

"Kim. Every heard of personal space?" I asked. She backed up.

"I've heard of it. I just choose to not respect it." She said and got so close her nose was touching mine. I flicked her forehead and she blinked in shock.

"So how have you guys been?" I asked them.

"It's been lonely without you f/n-chan." Honey said and hugged me.

"It's been pretty lonely around here too. It used to be so much more full of life when my parents were alive." I said.

We began walking to the main room.

"There's a lot of photos." Kyoya said. I nodded.

"My mom thought it was important to capture every moment. She was a photographer." I said. He nodded pushing up his glasses.

We all sat down and I looked at Haruhi.

"How's your dad?" I asked smiling.

"Good. He misses you though." She said.

"That's sweet. Tell him I said hi when you get back." I said.

"When do you plan on coming back to Japan?" Honey asked smiling.

"I don't know. B/n has to find a wife so they can produce an heir to the company. I also have to finish school and help out with the company while B/n goes wife shopping." I said.

"Man. When will we be able to hang out?" Kimmy asked.

"You can just help me." I said.

She nodded.

"I'm going to be pretty busy for awhile. I'll make sure to come back some day." I said.

"Bull shit." Haruhi whispered.

"What?" I asked not hearing her.

"Bull shit!" She shouted. I flinched in shock.

"How can you just up and leave!? How can you leave us!? How can you leave me!?" She shouted.

"It's not like a had a choice." I whispered.

"You don't have to take over the company!" She shouted.

"Yes I do. It's what my parents would've wanted. They worked their butts off to build the business. What kind of daughter would I be if I just abandoned it?" I said. She stormed out of the room and outside. I sighed.

"It was great seeing you." Tamaki said.

"You're already leaving?" I asked.

"It probably wasn't such a good idea to visit." Kyoya said. "Haruhi isn't too happy." He said.

I nodded.

"See you soon f/n-chan." Honey said and kissed my cheek. I smiled at him and ruffled his hair. Then they left.

Author-Chan here! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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