Chapter Five

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Previously: We ended our dance, and we exited to the balcony.

Your POV

I felt her hand brush mine and I felt myself tense up. We stood at the railing and she placed her hand up on it. Should I put mine on hers? I slowly lifted my hand and put it on Haruhi's. She stared down at our hands, shocked.

I turned to her. "H-Haruhi?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She asked still looking at her hands.

"I-I t-think I l-like...." I trailed off. She looked up at me. "I like Fancy Tuna." I blurted out. Ugh you wuss. I mentally slapped my face.

"M-me too." She said looking out at the scenery.

"W-what I meant to s-say w-was. I l-like.... You." I said quietly, still stuttering. She looked up at me.

"I think I like you too." She said. I looked up at her and hugged her. Of course she hugged back. I pulled away from the hug and stared up into her eyes, she was taller than me. I began to stand on my tip toes.

"F-f/n." She whispered. I could feel her hot breath on my face. She leaned her face closer to mine and our lips met. I felt sparks, yeah I know, cheesy. But I'm not lying. SPARKS! Bamn! Pow! Sparks!

I pulled away from her slowly with a stupid grin on my face. Luckily she was wearing the same grin.


I walked into school on Monday. I hated Monday's.

"What's with the grumpy face?" B/n asked poking my cheek. I swatted at his hand.

"I hate Mondays." I grumbled and continued on walking.

"Turn that frown upside down!" He said perkily.

"Are you talking about frowns? I heard you crying last night." I snapped at him. I saw him flinch, his eyes showed he was hurt. "I'm sorry." I said rubbing my face. He patted my head.

"It's alright." He said smiling. "I better be off." He said and went off to class. I made my way to mine and saw Haruhi in her usual seat, near the twins.

"Hello." She said smiling brightly.

"Hi." I mumbled and rested my head on my desk.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I hate Mondays." I responded not lifting my head up.

"You don't like to see me?" She asked, pouting.

"I never said that." I said sitting up and looking her dead in the eye. "I enjoy seeing you very much." I said putting on a weak smile. She smiled back. I leaned over and kissed her cheek gently. Then I realized, we were in class. All eyes were on us now.

Whispers rang out through the room. Then the teacher walked in. Thank God.


It was now after school, and Haruhi invited me to stay for the Host Club. Of course I accepted. How could I say no to her?

I entered the room. I felt all of the girls staring at me, whispering about me.

"F/n-Chan!" A familiar voice shouted. I felt arms wrap around my neck. Honey.

"Hey Honey." I said hugging the small boy back before setting him down.

"Want to eat some cake with me?" He asked. Before I could reply he was already tugging me along to a table. He gave me a cake and some tea.

"Thank you Honey." I said smiling. I wasn't a huge fan of sweets, but Honey was just too cute. I sat with him until a girl approached me.

"Are you and Haruhi dating?" She asked. I watched as across the room Tamaki dropped his fork in shock. Haruhi looked at me. I shook my head.

"I heard you kissed him on the cheek." Another girl said.

"Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't.' I shrugged.

Soon the Host Club ended. I hopped up from Honey's table and made my way to Haruhi.

"What have you done to my little girl?" Tamaki asked. I didn't answer. "Mommy! What did f/n do to my little girl!?" Tamaki whined.

"I'm not sure." Kyoya said opening his black notebook and writing. Why does he always have that little book?

I wrapped my arms around Haruhi's waist and hugged her. I looked up and saw her blushing. She was so cute.

"You're so cute when you blush." I mumbled.

"S-shut up." She said holding her face, trying to hide her blush. I giggled and poked her cheek. She glared at me.

"Come on. You're not mad are you?" I asked laughing slightly.

"Yes. Stop laughing at me." She said and crossed her arms.

"Haaruuuhiii." I said in a sing song voice. She didn't look at me. I jumped in front of her face, but she turned her head. I frowned. I walked over to a piece of cake and scooped some of the frosting up onto my finger. A devilish grin grew on my face.

"Oh Haruhi!" I called. She refused to look at me. The Host Club members looked at me confused. I walked directly behind Haruhi and reached my hand around her. I wiped the frosting on her nose and giggled as she turned around angry. I took off running as she ran after me.

"Get back here. f/n!" She shouted shaking her fist at me. I just continued to laugh as I ran.

A/N: Sorry this was kind of short. I'll see y'all next time :) ~Faith xx ♥

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