Chapter One

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Authors Note: Before I start, I would like to say, I DON'T OWN THE SHOW SUPERNATURAL OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS (EXCEPT MY OWN CHARACTERS). Sorry if I get some of the details wrong, but I'm only loosely following the storyline of Supernatural. I just though, how cool would it be to have all the perks of being an Angel without worrying about rebelling. And all the power of a Demon with being and evil or melevolent. I hope you enjoy this story and give me heaps of feedback (how am I going to get any better if I don't know what I'm doing wrong?)


Love, Grace.


Hope's Mother's black eyes were wide with terror, she knew what was happening, even if Hope didn't. It was two thirty five on a Sunday morning and Hope was NOT happy about being woken up so early. She was going to grumble and complain, but the fear in her Mother's voice was obvious and it shocked her wide awake,

"They're here. You have to hide".

Of course, being only nine, Hope was terrified. Who were "They"? she wanted to ask, but a heavy duffel bag was pushed into her arms and she was dragged out of bed, before she could utter a single terrified word.

"Go hide. When they've gone, leave, leave the house and don't EVER come back or they will find you", her Mum was whispering urgently now. She pulled out a small knife, "Give me your hand", Hope did as she was told and her Mother held Hope's hand tightly. Tears sprung to her eyes and she muffled a gasp as her Mother carved a familiar symbols onto both her palms. She could remember thinking, that's going to scar, but a car door slammed and her Mum's eyes flicked to the window.

"Okay", Hope whispered, trusting her Mother totally.

Hope's Mother pulled her in, enclosing her in a warm hug, then she pulled away and blinked. Her Mother's black watery eyes were replaced by warm brown ones, bloodshot with tears. "I will always love you, Hope, always. No matter what you hear about me, just know I love you", her voice broke in places, but Hope could hear the raw honesty in her voice. "Go".

She nodded, and ran. Down the hall, still cradling the heavy bag in her thin arms, and into the cupboard under the stairs. Nobody heard her quiet sobs, but she heard everything. The thud of heavy feet on the stairs above her head, the bangs and crashes from upstairs,

"Where is she?", yelled a deep voice.Hope couldn't hear her Mother's reply, but she did hear her bloodcurdling scream.

The blood dripped between her fingers as she ran, looking back was a mistake, the whole house was engulfed by flames. Hope ran straight to the forest at the edge of town and into the crumbling cabin hidden by large bushes. She spent that night wrapping her injured hands in bandages from the bag her Mother had given her and sobbing uncontrollably.


I've actually written the first twenty chapters already. So if I can get five votes or two comments, I will post the next five chapters.

Love, Grace

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