Wake Up

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Chapter 3

     Easing my way down the rest of the stairway. I couldn't help but openly stare at the man before me named Devin. He was all that and then some and I wanted to see what that something was. They didn't speak and silence fell on the room we stood in. Maraget didn't like that they had showed up during such harsh circumstances.

   I could see the annoyance as it played out across her face. As I came to a stop beside her giving her a simple nod to let her know it was ok and that she was dismissed. I had no fear that I would be harmed because hunters only came after you if you broke the law and I had not.

   “We weren't expecting you until morning. I'm sorry for the trouble and that my sister is curtainly in a state of grieving as I am also. See as your now I guests we need to get you a place to get cleaned up. If you need anything do not hesitate to ask we are willing to help in anyway that we can.” I tried my best to sound welcoming and open.

   Even with my heart beating at twice the normal speed I would have swore it was about to fall out my chest. I wasn't nervous about the hunters at least not both of them. Mr. Gray was quite nice and seemed to genuinely want to help. Devin on the other hand stood perfectly still staring down at me with those eyes that had me yearning to know what it's like to have those eyes look at me with full on want. I was trying my not to give any emotion away to the fact that my body was tingling all over.

I called Maraget back into the hall and asked her to show the men to their rooms. I could feel his eyes on me while I spoke with Maraget about getting the men some food and a drink of their choice.

“Is there any special needs that I need to accommodate for you gentlemen?” hoping they would allow me to go back to room and deal with this in the morning.

“Yes, we have traveled a great distance to get here. I would like to get dry and just have my meal brought to my room.” Devin's deep voice vibrated around my body wrapping it in a splendid tingling.
   “I do not wish to be rude but your still in grieving and we will allow you to get back to that.” I couldn't help but feel like he was in a hurry to get away from me.

    Which slightly hurt my feelings but I pushed it to the side and nodded. I called Maraget back into the hall and began telling her what was to be done.

“There is something I need to tell you before we retire for the night.” I glanced over at Mr. Gray, what could be so important that it couldn't wait until the morning.

   “Mrs.....I'm sorry you didn't tell us your name or what to call you while we stay here.” I knew that's not what he really wanted to say and I was too tired to care about the formalities.

     “My name is Michelle Lavauer, but for now you, Mr. Gray, and Mr. Crest can call me Mimi. I know that's probably not how it is done but I'm too tired and upset to care,” I sound as if I had given up, “Now what is it that is so important that you feel the need to tell me right now. Can't it wait 'til in the morning when everyone has rested.”

    “No it can't you see Mimi, I am a rougaru and I need your permission to stay here. I figured you would give my partner a place because he is human but not all other creatures care for my kind and I do not stay unless they know exactly what I am to keep down any other issues from arising.” His voiced sounded as if it had spoken these words a thousand times but the nervousness was still there.

     I had met a few rougarus here in black bayou but I didn't fear nor hate them because I didn't really know them. So how could I? I knew there was other creatures that were hunters too and depending on the crimes is what type of hunter came after you. As for right now I could careless as long as he was here for them and not me.

Silent Ones        Voodoo PriestessWhere stories live. Discover now