Chapter Twenty One: Fourteen?!

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~1 day later, morning~

After i drank more than a gallon of rainbows Amaya let us sleep in a nearby six star hotel. I grunted while wiping my eye and realizing that it is already morning. A very sad frown appeared on my face.

"Mommmmmyyy~~" Aliyah whined.

"What is it sweetie?" I replied rolling over to her side of the bed.

"Never mind im just a little hungry, and i need a bath." She replied

"I'm hungry, can we go get breakfast?" Acno asked from the floor.

"Sure, right after me and Aliyah take a bath and get ready." I said patting his head.

I jumped out of the king sized bed and while admiring my view from the very tall hotel, I grabbed my clothes out of the closet. I walked into the cloud bathroom and turned on the rainbow faucet. I took my hair out of pigtails, brushed it, then put my hair in a bun. I waited a couple minutes before I stripped off my clothes and turned off the faucet.

While i slipped one leg into the soothing rainbow I remembered what Amaya said.

~Flashback~ (ooo something new)

"Remember, practice moving the rainbow, dont force it, you can create rainbows and its colors just with your imagination. But they change color according to your mood, if you are happy, calm, joyful, or even grateful, they will be colorful. If you are angry, sad, disappointed, even miss someone or something, they will turn dark and into spears. So be careful when you use them." Amaya stated.

"Well thanks for the info! But i am sure i won't have any problems with it, goodnight!" I replied giving her a weird hug around her large neck.

I walked into the large hotel made out of pure white clouds and flew up to the 6th floor and going to room number 66,one of the largest rooms in the building.

I was greeted by Acno slouching on the couch with his feet in the air and head laying on the ground.

"GET INTO SHAPE YOU LAZY PIG!!" I screeched while kicking the pure white coach against the wall, making him fall off and bump his head.


"WELL GET COMFY ON THE FLOOR CAUSE I AM NOT LETTING YOU ON THE BED OR COUCH!" I said lighting the couch on fire and burnt it to a crisp while wiping away Acno's tears.

~End of flashback~

CRAP! I forgot to get Aliyah in here, "Aliyah, get an extra pair of clothes and i will unlock the door for you to come in, okay??" I said getting out of the bath and grabbing a nearby towel to cover myself.

"Okay Queen Blond Bumblebee~~" I heard from the other side of the door, surely enough, it was Acno making a squeaky girly voice.

"ACNOOOO!!!!" I screamed.

"Yesss-" he tried replying but I slammed the bathroom door open and smashed his face in. I grabbed Aliyah by her shirt collar out of the bed and grabbed some of her clothes that looked cute together and rushed back into the bathroom.

"Wake up sweetie! It is time to take a bath." I said setting Aliyah down gently and poked her face. I admired her chubby cheeks and smooth skin while i poked her cheek again. I slowly took her ponytail out and let her hair down, surprisingly her hair was down to her waist and it was very silky. I brought my face up to her staring me straight in the eye.

I blushed and backed away realizing that my towel got caught on the door knob when i shut it.

"Oh calm down mommy, we are both girls, plus we are family!" Aliyah said with a wide grin appearing on her face.

"Well if you are gonna get clean, you better undress!" I said tugging at her crop top.

"Whatever you say m'lady." She replied, pretending to tip a fedora.

"Haha, you are adorable!!" I squealed.

A thought rushed into my mind that i had to ask. "Hey Ali, is it okay if i call you that? (Yeah, of course!-She replied) Well i just thought, how old are you?"

"Sorry i never told you! But my parents abandoned me as a new born exceed and put me into the shelter with the other exceeds that wanted to go there with their friends. Yet i didn't have a family or friends but the only one who ever approached me was Lea. I knew she wasn't fond of me, cause she is the most popular one there. She is pretty, smart, and is strong, who could beat her? I started calling her my friend and soon enough i started calling her my sister." Aliyah said with a very sad smile appearing on her face.

"Oh Aliya-" I tried replying but was cut off by a scream outside the door.


"Oh! Sorry! I am 14 years old!!" Ali said very surprised, "I am actually not sure my exact birth date but Rose said that my parents dropped me off without a word and soon after they disappeared without a trace. So I was about 5 years old at the time, i wasn't aware what happened until i didn't see my parents for over a year." She finished.

"Oh sweetie! We are your family now, the past is the past. You can beat Lea and will always be in my life so forgot about those sad times and stay with me, okay?" I said holding my hand out to the crying child.

"Alright!" she replied with a cute smile, while wiping away her tears. She grabbed my hand and gave me a hug.

I helped her get undressed and we both entered the bath, it was slightly cold but still relaxing.

"WAIT, FOURTEEN?!?!" I yelled, standing up.

That is the end of this chapter! I know it is just crap but i will be updating really soon next time and it will be full of action and crap!

lol please comment, it will make my day. Some of the best times of my day is reading your guys comments!!

Love everyone who reads this part of my chapter! <3

~~Ginny...OUT!! :)

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