Chapter Eight: Leaving for Good

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while! I have had writers block soooo. Not sure how good the chapter is gonna be.

~Lucy's POV~

It has been a hour since I left, and I am at the pond. Wendy is supposed to be here in one hour.

The pond is quite beautiful, it's blue and glittery. The area around it is still stained of Lisanna's blood.

If she had to jump in the pond to prove her point I can too...

Might aswell get this over with "I can do this..."I whispered to myself.


~Wendy's POV~

After she handed me the papers I quickly handed them to master and ran out the guild.

I ran back to my home and past Carla. I grabbed my bag and quickly packed everything I needed.

I ran to the pond, once I got there everything was still, the leaves from the trees are floating, the animals are in mid air. And the water in the pond...LUCY
"LUCY ARE YOU OKAY?!" I yelled, but it just echoed.

I tried running over but it was like slow motion. The closer I got the heavier I felt.

I seen Lucy, her body in the water, not moving, but glowing.

Once I got close enough to see a dark....creature? Under her.

She started to slowly sink.

I jump in after her but ended up on top of the water as if it was ice.

"LUCY ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! ANSWER ME! Please..."I begged.

"'re one of the only things I have left...please don't leave me behind!" I weeped.

After I said that I started to slowly sink aswell, I grabbed Lucy and hugged her tight.

"I will never let you go..Lucy..."I said still crying.

I could feel her heart beat. It keeps skipping one beat.

Her arms wrapped around me and I heard her smile. "You're so reckless..." Lucy whispered to my ear.

"And it was all for you." I replied, slightly crying.

I felt her kiss my head. Then the light surrounded us....the next thing I saw was...


(A/n jk)

ACNOLOGIA?!? He was dark and his tail was curled up around us.

I didn't feel scared but i felt relaxed, Lucy was with me. I could hear her breathing. But we where underwater.

AHHHHHH Lucy screamed in pain!

"Lucy...? What's wrong?!" I asked obviously worried.

She let go of me and held her head, she thrashed around, back and forth under the water as me and the dark dragon stared at her.

I could see the tip of his tail touching her forehead. But I'm not sure why...

Lucy soon relaxed and I asked, "Lucy are you alright? What happened?!"

She just relaxed and put her arms around me again. I could tell that she was crying and she had a huge magical power inside of her all of a sudden.

We suddenly burst out of the water and we are almost 50 feet in the air. Acnologia is no longer here.

But a boy with Raven hair and dark blue eyes wearing a oversized black tattered dress was there.

He simply said, "Welcome to Acno Pond. Where I live.

I'm glad I get to see you again..."


Ginny out!!

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