Chapter Twelve: wait...WHAT?!

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Hellooooo okay if you are wondering about '•'s it means that I drew the picture in media(coming soon) . This is gonna be the extra long chapter ^_^

>Lucy POV<

Alright..I have been running for what seems like legs are going to give out soon...they hurt so bad.

Explosions of water have been happening for a while now and I'm guessing they are teaching Wendy something.

I am at my 3rd lap...yes...3rd.

One lap is like 5 I've been doing this for 15 hours. I'm gonna faint.

(Timeskip after about 30 more laps)

Okay, I'm done...I give up...but it seems like everything is slow now...I wonder why...

I decided that I should go talk to Wendy cause the pain in my legs went away and everything is in slow motion.

I reached Wendy what seems like..less then a second.

And it hit me!

"WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?!" Screamed Acno, as he threw an empty water bottle at my head.

"I WAS RUNNING LAPS!!!" I replied pissed.

"Oh yeah, well this cutie, is an expert water dragon slayer!" Zer-Dad butted in.

"Awwww Wendy you learn so fast!!" I cooed at the little dragon slayer as I hugged her.

"Aw thanks Lucy! How was the speed magic??" She questioned.

"I think I did it, see the huuugggeeee mountain over there?(yea) you will see me there in. 3. 2 . 1." I then ran to the top of the mountain and waved at the astonished Wendy and an proud father and brother.

"You did great~" I heard someone yell from the bottom, it was Wendy.

It was very quiet but i heard her.

"THANKS!!!" I yelled.

I ran back to Wendy and the others and asked, "what other magic can I learn??"

"Let's do lightning??" Zeref asked.

"sure!" i replied

~TIMESKIP 3 hours~




"thats fun" i said, relaxed, i learned to have 10x more energy so im not worn out as easily.

"you learn fast" Dad, Acno, and Wendy complimented.

"why thank you" i said with a smirk.

"now can we carry on with my magic?"

"of course, how about fire next?" Acno asked."NO...anything but that...please" i said with a tear falling down..

"aw sis...i didnt mean to upset you, please dont cry." Acno said hugging me.

"alright i have to stand up to him, i cant just cry everytime i remember him, its not right. just because he broke my heart, it doesnt mean i have to seek revenge, it means i have to seek forgiveness! i dont care that he loves Lisanna, Lisanna is a lucky girl who deserves Natsu. I am happy for them, atleast i should..I love Natsu but it doesnt mean that Lisanna is a bad person to share my feelings. I like Lisanna, i want to be friends with her.. I just hope that she thinks the same as me, and she doesnt think that i am a loser. but hey, i like her, i dont care what her opinion is about me!" i said with sadness and slightly crying.

"its Alright Lucy! You can get through it, plus we are all here with you. You're not alone anymore, and you will never be alone again, because whenever you feel lonely, just remember who taught you this magic and who taught you to be this way. Because whenever you're alone, it means that we are closer" they all said in unison and had a huge group hug.

"alright, i want to burn something!" i yelled.

" LETS DO THIS!!" they cheered

"okay...think of all the rage in your breath it if it is gathering in your stomach." Acno Explained.

"uhm alright" i replied.

could feel hot air..really..really. hot air, in my stomach, and it is building up.

"when it feels like it is enough, let it out!" Acno yelled.


a little poof of fire came out..dang..the same happened when i did lightning.

"thats better than i thought..considering its your first try in years. Try again, but make the hot air in your stomach fire, make it so hot, it could melt..uh...medal, yeah. do it!" Dad encouraged.

I made the hot air in my stomach fire...i breathed in...and " FIRE DRAGON ROOOOOOAAARRR!!"


"oh my did it! The tree's are burnt and are falling apart!!" Dad said pointing about 3 miles ahead of us...the trees are all falling and burnt.

"I DID IT!! YAAAAYYYYYY YESSS!!" i cheered with joy!

"alright, now put that rage in your fist, and you know the rest." Acno said pumped.

I took a deep and out...."FIRE DRAGON...IRON FIST!!!" i yelled and destroyed a boulder.

"YESSSSSSSSSS YOU DID IT!! NO WAY!!" they all said hyped!

"Next is Wind, Light, Ice, Crystal God, Steel Demon, Magma God, Gas Demon, Snow Phoenix, Earth Phoenix, Vermillion, Sky Phoenix, Metal Phoenix, Frozen, Storm Phoenix, Emerald, Flame, Fire, Fire Devil, Dual Element, Poison, Flame Venom, Metal Devil, Iron Shadow, Holy Devil, Sky, Black Devil, Dual Element Devil, Shadow, Flame God, Water Devil, Forest Phoenix, Sky God, White Dragon, Dust, Twilight God, Aqua Phoenix, Darkness, Water, Acid, Darkness Phoenix, Sapphire, Poison, Iron, Lightning Spirit, Spirit, Lava, Dark God, ~" Acno kept going as for me, i have passed out.


how did you like it?

okay, GINNY OUT!

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