☆ Hazel's Diary Entry #22 ☆

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Dedication: tori_the_smart_one, thank you for everything! You're the epitome of sweet and kind, I love how we think alike too :) xx I hope you're having a day as amazing as yourself <3

Walking around the house feels weird. 

It's around six now, as I pace the kitchen, I've already been for a run and done homework. I did all of that as soon as I got home from school. 

But now I stand here, staring into the fridge like it will show me the answers I need from mum. Answers that are the whole reason I'm waiting for her to get home.

And maybe her coming home drunk, might be better, might allow her to tell me the truth about why my dad's in jail. Really in jail.

The front door closing, followed by my mum's giggling is what interrupts my thoughts. I immediately stop my pacing and turn around, facing the archway. Waiting.

When Mum eventually  tumbles in, she falls to the ground, laughing. Her hair's a mess, and eyes completely bloodshot.

Yay, I just love doing this.

Sarcasm? No?

"Hey mum, I have an important question," I say slowly, trying to cut through her laughter, "I really need you to stop for one minute and listen to me."

I lean my arms on the black, granite counter, watching my mum's every movement.

"Mhmm," She slurs, lying down on the tiled kitchen floor.

I roll my eyes at her drunkenness, deciding that I'll help her, but only after I get the answers I need.

"Did dad drink and drive? What did he do to put himself in jail?" I ask, not seeing a point in beating around the push.

I'm not completely sure why, but I have to know. I need to know.

Mum stops giggling, and I begin to think she's falling asleep, before I look up to find her staring straight at me.

Um, okay then.

Then she moves her head back to the ground, whispering, "Yes."

She doesn't say anything else, and as much as I want to find out the truth, I don't want to push my own mum to tell me.

Which is why it shocks me so much when she speaks up again.

"He was so drunk and high on ecstasy, that he swerved into the opposite lane, crashing into another car, which held three people in it.  One of which died. He was convicted with Manslaughter."

Dahlia, Hazel's Aunt. It has to be.

"Do you remember who it was who died, or who the family was?" I ask nervously, I need the conformation for myself.

There's no point jumping to incorrect conclusions.

"Not really but I know their last name. Bradley."

I knew it! My dad killed Hazel's Aunt.


That's not good, that's not good at all.

After our little conversation, Mum seems to have passed out on the floor. I lift her up, and carry her down the hall, to her bedroom, like I do most days.

Once I have her settled in bed with a glass of water - painkillers too - sitting on her bedside table, I escape to my room and collapse onto my own bed.

Hazel's question keeps floating around my mind like a cloud that I can't evaporate.

Why does everything have to be so messed up?

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