☆ Hazel's Diary Entry #28 ☆

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Dedication: SomeoneNamedNicole, thank you so much for your reads and votes! :) xx

"Please just get out of my way, I want to eat already." I complain with a groan.

Veronica's been blocking me from my locker for the past fifteen minutes, with no intention of letting me pass until I 'talk' to her, "There's nothing to talk about."

No matter how many times I repeat myself, my sister never believes me.

Veronica raises her eyebrow at me in disbelief and shakes her head, "There's nothing to talk about," She mocks me in a deep voice, before rolling her eyes, "Stop brushing me off, and tell me what's up with you."

There's no way I'm asking her about Liam yet, not until I figure it out, because it's not right to falsely accuse someone on a hunch.

But there is another thing on my mind that I should probably tell my sister. Something she kind of deserves to know.

"Fine, you want to know what's going on?" I ask, eyebrows raised, and quickly getting annoyed the longer I'm deprived of lunch.

Stupid siblings, honestly.

"Well, duh." She rolls her dark chocolate eyes again, and leans back against my locker.

"Mum's adnitting herself into rehab ASAP." I announce, taking her shocked state to push her to the side and get to my ĺocker.

Finally, we can feed you, Freddie.

Yes, I named my stomach 'Freddie', got a problem? I'm sure everyone does it.


I turn around to face Veronica, and nod happily, "I convinced her to go this morning. Actually, now that I think about it, it didn't take all that much convincing. But the main thing is that she's going to get help."

"Oh, how come- how come I didn't know until now?" The hurt expression on her face coexists with a frown, and it's confusing me.

"Because I didn't think you'd care to know." I shrug, looking down the empty hall, "You haven't exactly been around to help me with mum, or to suggest that she needs professional help. And anyway, don't be so dramatic, Ver, it hasn't even been half a day."

"I'm sorry." Her whispered voice holds more than one apology, and I'm not sure I want to think about why else she would apologise.

"Don't worry about it," I reply offhandedly, and open my locker, getting out my lunch.

Pizza, yum!

"I'll um, I'll see you at home then, I guess." Veronica mumbles from behind me, and once I hear her retreating foot steps, I slouch in relief.

Man, that was harder that I thought it to be. I've always been bad at withholding information. But I just really didn't want to confront Veronica, Liam, or Olivia until I know what the hell is going on.

Who is Maleficent the poodle?

Ring, ring.

"Are you serious?" I whine loudly as the halls start to fill with students.

Great, there went Freddie and I's lunch time.

Again; stupid siblings, honestly.

Class, here I come.

When I reach the library - where I have free period - I quickly find a secluded corner, and get out Hazel's diary.

What? Don't judge me, I'm trying to read this as quick as possible!

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