☆ Hazel's Diary Entry #1 ☆

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||Hazel Bradley at the top, played by supposedly a Tiffany Arthur :)||

Date: 20/01/16, Wednesday

Time: 21:28

Dear Diary,

Heyoo! I'm back, whoop! Whoop! Let's have a partaaay.

Alright, alright, maybe I had a few too many Peppermints after dinner, and yes, Mints make me crazy like Jay-Z. Haha, see what I did there? I rhymed, wink wink. Anyway, so, I think I'm going to write about my day, that's how this works, right?

I feel so stupid asking a diary that question. But, my day was... Hmm, how do I put this... Interesting in the least. It actually started normal - well, as normal as it can be for a teenage girl - I got up at my usual 7am, had coco puffs for breakfast, and then I almost made it out of my house without confrontation. Almost. 

But no, of course I just had to run into my sister. I love her, I really do, but she's been so distant lately and moody. Her name is Ivy. Yes, like the plant. I'm named after a tree, my mum and dad wanted to do that because she's named after a flower (Iris), he's named after a tree or something (Arvid), and my uncle is also named after a tree. His is the best and most funniest name for a guy EVER - Willow. As in Willow tree, he absolutely hates it and goes by Will instead. Obviously, me being the amazing niece I am, I tease him and call him Uncle Willow either way.

Anywillow (muahaha), I should get back to my day. So yeah, I had the awkward confrontation with my sister, and that went something like this:

Rinsing my bowl, I placed it in the dishwasher before drying my hands and turning to leave. 

A noncommittal noise left my mouth when I banged into a slightly smaller body. When I heard their snarky comment, I mentally groaned, because of course it just had to be Ivy, my fifteen year old sister.

"Watch where you're going before one day, you trip over your crush. Oh right, he wouldn't be anywhere near you since he has no idea you exist."  I glared at the blonde in front of me, flipping her off. She just rolled her own green eyes at me and shoved past, into the kitchen.

"Seriously? You're going to be that childish? It was an accident, get over it. It's not my fault you walked into me." I huffed, leaving before she could say anything back.

And yeah, that was my morning. After that, it was pretty smooth sailing, for a while at least.

Class was fine, as I mentioned on the page before, my English teacher suggested for me to buy a diary and blah blah blah, then my other classes went great with the occasional sleeping. Except Math. Oh how I despise this class. It's horrible, I tell you, horrible! Why do we need to learn about letters? What help does it do for our futures? Nothing.

Exactly my point.

So I bombed the test we had, then when it came to lunch - that's where it got interesting.

I was just going about my day, eating my fruit salad while walking to find a spot to eat at when all of a sudden, someone puts their foot out and trips me.

Veronica freaking Ryan.

She's one of those people who just pick on people for fun, you know? She seems to target anyone, ceases any opportunity to embarrass someone, to ruin their day. 

But I'm no pushover like my mum (sorry mum, I love you, but you know you're a door mat, especially when it comes to Darth Vader - Dad)

I picked myself off the ground, syrup from the canned fruit salad was all over my peach coloured one-shoulder top, and all through my hair. Once I had pushed all the fallen fruit back into my bowl, listening to Veronica and her friends' laughs, I turned towards where she sat, and guess what I did?

Guess, guess, guess.

I tipped the bowl over her head, letting the fruit and what was left of the syrup drop onto her hair and clothes. 

Oh how sweet revenge tastes to the tongue. 

But as soon as her angered brown eyes caught my amused green ones, I squealed and bolted. She didn't run after me, too busy worrying over her situation. 

That was the most interesting part of my day. From then on, I just attended class, stared at a certain someone, went home, made noodles, spoke on the phone to my best friend Tess Hart, had spaghetti bolognese, avoided my family and now, writing in a diary for the first time in my 17 years.

Speaking of, this entry is coming to an end because my hand is starting to cramp up like it does in exams. 

I'll write to you some other time, I have my traditional movie night to start (Where I watch a Comedy or Rom-Com every Wednesday by myself in my room with a bowl of extra butter popcorn)

Bye for now,

Hazel-The-Most-Amazing-Human-Ever-To-Exist. B

P.S. I thought of a place I could keep my diary! The old Janitor's closet I go to sometimes, no one else ever goes in there so it would be safe.

P.P.S. I promise these entries will get better/more interesting, because my life doesn't tend to stay calm or boring.

After reading the diary intro earlier, the bell rung so I quickly made the snap decision to take the diary with me and shove it in my bag. I'll just put it back tomorrow, no big deal. 

But wow.

I have just finished reading the first entry while lying on my bed, and I'm a little shocked about a few things actually. 

Firstly, Hazel started writing this diary only two or three months ago. Secondly, my sister bullied her? That, I'm not hugely shocked about because I know Veronica is quite the bitch - ahem, excuse my language - but I didn't know that she was like that to so many people, I'm going to have to ask her about Hazel when she gets home from her 'date' later. 

Though, thirdly, this girl's funny, I can't count the times I laughed reading the intro and the first entry. She was definitely strange too, but a good kind of strange. I have no idea who she is, and that bothers me more than I like to admit. 

She seems like a cool person to be friends with.

And with only a slightly guilty mind, I can't wait to read the next entry.

* * *

Thank you so much for reading, voting, commenting, adding to reading lists and the encouragement you have all given me already. It warms my heart knowing there are such lovely people like you out there <3

Please remember to vote and maybe leave a comment? :) 

QOTC: Have you ever been bullied? :c

MA: Yeah.

- Chloe xx

The Diary Of Hazel (Diary Series #1) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now