☆ Hazel's Diary Entry #10 ☆

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Dedication: xo_xo_lia, thank you for the ever present support! xx

|| Iris Bradley (Hazel & Ivy's mum) at the top, played by Jennifer Aniston! Haha, Iris needing to stand up for herself against her husband like ^||

Date: 28/01/16, Thursday

Time: 12:31pm

Dear Mister Diary,

'hey harriet wanna go to the movies saturday night? - T'

Okay, so maybe he doesn't have perfect English, and he can't think of a more original place to go but,

Trent texted me last night, asking me out on a date.

We've been texting back and forth for the past two days, and I had a feeling he was buttering me up with compliments so I would say yes to his impending question.

Did I say yes?

Not straight away.

I replied to him with a text saying:

'Are you sure you don't want me to give you a tutoring lesson in English? Because you could sure do with one. But to answer your oh-so important illiterate question; Ask me tomorrow, in person, then I'll give you my answer ;)'

So yeah, I pretty much told him to grow some balls and ask me out face to face, like people did before this messed up generation was created and evolved.

Now, everyone just hides behind technology. Sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes not so much.

Then, this morning, when I arrived to school, I was actually shocked when I saw Trent standing in front of where I usually park.

With a white rose in his hand.

Again, originality was obviously not his forte, but it was a sweet - and appreciated - gesture nonetheless. 

And needless to say that when he asked me with utmost confidence to be his date on Saturday night, I said yes.

I'm going on my first date - EVER, and I'm a nervous wreck.

Beyond nervous really, I'm anxious.

My anxiety is playing up, and it's worse every time I start thinking about the night of my date. 

What will happen? Will he want to kiss - or hook up - in the dark of the Theatre? I haven't even had my first kiss yet, will he manipulate me into choosing the back row? Will we go to dinner at all, or just the movies? Is he expecting a goodnight kiss, or even more nerve-wracking; to be invited in after? What will I even wear? What if I mess everything up? 

Calm down, Hazel, deep breaths.

Be optimistic and focus on the positive.

Excitement. Excitement is the emotion that pries off anxiety from strangling me with it's bare hands.

Excitement that I have my first date on Saturday. Excitement that my first date is with a nice (and don't forget attractive) guy. Excitement that I might get my first kiss. Excitement that my life will be exciting in a good way. Excitement that this may teach me how to let go of Romeo.

Romeo, the guy I've had feelings for, for too long now. The seemingly amazing guy I've been pining after, but really, I don't know him and he could be a complete asshole for all I know. Romeo, the guy who doesn't know of my existence.


The guy I want move on from, to get away from the suffering of consecutive heartbreak.

I'll let you know about my date Saturday night (Meaning that I'll take my diary home for the weekend)! 

Bye for now, 

Hazel-The-No-Longer-Invisible-Girl. B

P.S. Still quiet at home with the whole 'Dad' thing!

P.P.S. I don't have time to write these stupid P.S' <3

How do I feel?

I don't think there's a way to answer that without it being complicated, in the way that it twists your heart and mind into an overwhelming, confusing, disaster.

Actually, I think that sums up how I feel perfectly.

* * *

This is the least we've ever seen of Hunter in a chapter before o.o


Do you want me to continue to try update twice a day, or start updating only once a day? Which do y'all prefer? :)

QOTC: Who do you ship, Hunzel or Trenzel?

MA: Hunzel all the way! <3

- Chloe xx

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