☆ Hazel's Diary Entry #27 ☆

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Dedication: stolenForever, thank you so much for all of your sweet reads and votes! :) I hope your day is going good! xx

Date: 28/03/16, Monday

Time: 5:02pm

Dear Mister Diary,

The reason I skipped a day, and why I have my diary at home with me (instead of school), is because as I mentioned in the last entry, I stayed the night at Trent's on Saturday night, and also last night. Obviously, I didn't take my diary with me, so I'll be taking it to school tomorrow instead.

Trent and I are good.

He didn't try anything while I was there, we just watched TV, and cuddled. I even managed to convince him to put cheese in the salad we had for dinner. Usually, he doesn't eat cheese because it's too fattening.

Whereas I love cheese.

Then we had gone upstairs - to cuddle and talk - when a weird topic came up.

We were talking about sport when I asked, and I wish I never did.

"I'm only wondering, and I'm sorry if I offend you, but have you ever taken steroids?" I asked, playing with the hem of his grey, plain T-Shirt. 

I felt him stiffen beneath me, before he sat up abruptly, "Why the hell would you ask that? Of course not, Hazel!"

So much for not offending him.

"I'm sorry! It's just, well, you're quite well-built a-and, I don't know." I said, feeling guilty for even asking. But I didn't know that he would take such an offense to it.

"I don't okay, just drop it."

After the whole droids incident, things were only awkward for another half hour before we made up, and snuggled again.

I guess he either gets asked it a lot or not at all, because that definitely wasn't the reaction I was expecting.

Things were fine after that, and we even kissed quite a bit, but we never went too far. I'm so glad I talked with him a week ago.

I guess the lesson learned is that communication is the key. No matter the situation, I think.

I still feel like Trent doesn't like me like I like him, but I'm hoping he will eventually. Though, I will never force him to feel a certain way, that's completely his choice, and I will learn to understand. To accept.

But I'm getting ahead of myself, anything can happen and I've just got to let nature take it's course.

Oh, while we're being all deep and crap, let's write about Ivy for a minute.

She got an A in Biology, and I couldn't be more proud of her. We've become really close since after the whole 'Ivy Hates Everything' phase, and I'm so thrilled about it! She means a lot to me, and she's an amazing sister.

Bye for now,

Hazel-The-Cuddler. B

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