☆ Hazel's Diary Entry #21 ☆

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Dedication: clchic0729, thank you very much for the title idea of the sequel, and for all of your comments, votes, and reads! You're so sweet, and I couldn't be grateful enough :) xx

Date: 15/03/16, Tuesday

Time: 12:32pm


Did you know that in the observable universe, there are around 100 sextillion stars?

My dad used to talk all time about them when I was younger, and I miss that.

He used to talk about how stars are already dead by the time we're looking at them in the sky. And that this is because the light from the star takes millions of years to reach us.

Crazy, we go about our days acting like the tiniest of things are important.

The hairdresser cuts your hair slightly too short, you can't decide what to wear for the day. Or maybe, you have an argument with a close friend.

But none of it compares to how little we actually are to the universe. We're a small planet, in one galaxy of a hundred billion.

So why do we worry over such microscopic things?

Because, even though our problems may be small in comparison, they're not small or unimportant to us. That's what matters.

Just like the problem I'm having right now with Liam.


I may have confronted him yesterday about the whole Maleficent thing, and it didn't go too great.

What? Don't blame it all on me, gosh.

I was coming to the Janitor's closest after last bell yesterday, so I could bring the diary home with me last night, in case something further happened with dad. So I could write about it while it's fresh on my memory.

But imagine my surprise when I was on my way there, and saw Liam kissing Maleficent against the wall.

Right next to the damn Janitor's closet.

There was no way of getting around them - unless I wanted to give myself away. Instead, I stayed hidden around the corner.

So basically, I was an official stalker. Great, a new job, I wonder if it paid well.

Ten minutes passed by, and all I could hear was their kissing like that first day I saw them.

Lucky for all three of us, they don't lock the school up until well after school finishes, because of the teachers who stay back to work, and the employees in the administrations office stay also.

Sucks for them.

I pretty much had all the time in the world to wait, but that didn't mean I wanted to.

But, I couldn't do anything about that, unless I wanted to be fired from being a stalker on the first day.

Damn, I was weird, don't mind me.

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