CHAPTER 9: Anger then Happiness

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~~~Antonio's POV~~~

We arrived at the club after coming back from watching the fireworks and we got everything ready for the night. I went to the kitchen to cook and Lovino helped with stage prep. Opening time came and it was the most packed I had seen ANY club and it was so loud, I could hear everyone from the kitchen. After about four hours of the club being open, Lovino came into the kitchen looking frustrated and was taking quick breathes. I raised an eyebrow at him and had a confused look on my face.

"What's wrong with you, Lovi? Why are you breathing like that?" He took a moment to answer while steadying his breath. I finished what I was cooking and set my stuff down. I walked up to him and embraced him. He hugged me back tightly and was silent. I became worried and asked him again.

"Lovino, what's wrong? What happened? Please tell me..." I rubbed his back and kissed the top of his head. He still kept quiet and I was starting to get more worried and a bit agitated. I was about to ask him for the last time when I heard a quiet sob. My eyes widened and I pulled him away slightly to see him better. He was crying and I was very worried now.

"Por favor, Lovino! What happened?!" I wiped his tears away and would move strands of hair out of his face to see him better. He calmed down slightly and slowly began to talk.

"I... I was-a serving a customer and-a when I handed him his drink... H-he pulled-a me into h-his lap... That's-a happened to me before and it was just-a 'cause they were-a drunk, but this-a man... He wasn't drunk or-a stoned... H-he was completely sober a-and he-a s-started to touch me very inappropriately... He... He actually even touched... Touched..."

He broke down crying again and I tried to calm him down. I felt horrible for him and I was extremely enraged. We just had an awesome day and some guy had to ruin that for him! I'm going to beat the living sh*t out of that puta! I kept embracing Lovi as he sobbed into my shirt. I don't think this has ever happened to him before... Also, what area did this b**ch touch my Lovino?! I pulled away from Lovino and looked at him with the most serious face I could muster. I must've looked angry too, because he looked a bit frightened. I didn't want to scare him, but I was just full of so much anger I couldn't help it...

"Lovino, where did that man touch you?" I demanded of him, but he kept quiet.

"TELL ME, LOVINO!!!" He flinched and I felt bad. Crap... I didn't want to yell and scare him... "Lovi, please tell me... I'm sorry I yelled at you..." He stared at me a moment before finally telling me where he was touched.

"It... It-a w-was... Umm..." He started tearing up again and pointed to the area. His crotch... I furrowed my brow in anger while frowning. He grabbed my hand and lead me out. As he was doing so, he asked another cook to take my place then he led me to this man that touched him. As we weaved through the crowds of people, Lovino pulled me in the direction of a table. There was a stranger there with black hair and he seemed a little tall. Lovino let go of my hand and walked closer to the table. The man at the table looked over and smirked at Lovi. I started growling and clenched my fists as I inched closer.

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