CHAPTER 1: Hazel Meets Emerald

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It was Friday night at a club in the middle of town. The club wasn't a bar or restaurant, but a strip club. It had a bar and a restaurant in it too, sure, but the main entertainment was the stage. There were quite a few performers, but the ones that caught the most attention were the Italian brothers. They did skits together most the time, but had individual performances as well. Sometimes they'd sing for their skit being fully clothed, but other times they'd have little on. The brothers could be practically naked, but will always cover their "goods." Don't want to flash those around.

Lovino is the oldest and Feliciano the youngest of the brothers. Since Lovino is the oldest and the boss of the club, he regulates what the performers do and how extreme they can get with their time on stage and the floor. There's two nights a week where there are no boundaries. Men and woman get a heated show those nights. Tonight was one of those "no boundaries" nights. Costumers were either watching a performance on stage, dancing, getting a lap dance or sitting at the bar; waiting for their favorite. The music stopped playing and a well built, sandy blond-haired man walked on stage wearing only a black tie and apron. He waited for the room to get quieter before he spoke.

"Hey dudes and dudettes!!! Are ya ready for the last performance of the night?!"

All the people in the club started shouting and whistling. The man on stage had a big grin as he spoke when they quieted down.

"Alright! Sounds like yer ready! Let's give a loud welcome to the Italian Brothers! Come on out guys!"

The room was filled with cheering as the lights went dim. The whole crowd was eager for this performance, but not as much as a young man with curly dark brown hair, sun kissed skin and the brightest emerald eyes you've ever seen. He had been waiting for this performance all night. Two of the young man's friends dragged him here and said there was a guy he might like. He listened to them and gave it a shot. He got drunk a few moments after he arrived though and was quite tipsy. The young man leaned on the stage for support when the show began. Fog covered the stage floor and a strobe light started to flicker. Two people stood in the middle of the stage with their legs spread apart slightly, hands behind their backs and head lowered so their faces could barely be seen. The music started playing and they slowly rose their heads. Both were wearing very seductive, black clothing with a small top hat on the opposite side of a strange curl they had.

The young Spaniard's eyes were trying to adjust to the dim room and strobe light when all went quiet and dark. A spot light was soon turned on and aimed at the two Italians. Feliciano had a sweet smile on his face while Lovino was scowling. The music began and the two started dancing. Both were so fluent, smooth and graceful that everyone cheered them on. After a little while, Lovino started to sing a Hispanic song that would sound beautiful to anyone, but to the Spaniard, it was heavenly. He even started to sing along with Lovino, keeping his eyes on the the older Italian. As Lovino and Feliciano kept performing, Lovino's eyes landed on bright emerald ones. The owner of those gorgeous eyes looked back into the shiny hazels of Lovino's. Even though Lovino was still singing, he couldn't take his eyes off of the man before him. Lovino had this weird feeling he'd never felt before and almost forgot to start dancing again when he finished singing. When he had to dance though, he had to break eye contact with the dazed Spaniard. The Spaniard sighed in disappointment. He wanted to look into those beautiful eyes forever. 'This must be the one Francis and Gilbert were talking about.' The young man thought as he watched the performance.

The song began to slow down and eventually stopped, signaling that the performance was over. The brothers took off their small hats and bowed to the crowd. The crowd went crazy clapping and shouting. Lovino and Feliciano waved to the crowd, Feliciano more frantically than Lovino, and thanked them for coming. Lovino lowed his gaze down a tad and spotted the Spaniard below him. Said Spaniard was smiling from ear to ear and it seemed his eyes sparkled at the Italian. Lovino had that strange feeling again, but kept staring into the emerald abyss before him. Lovino began to feel his face heat up and turned away before anyone could notice. The Spaniard frowned watching Lovino walk away. Soon after, someone tapped on his shoulder. He turned around to see his friends who brought him here.

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