CHAPTER 5: Dream or Nightmare?

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~~~Lovino's POV~~~

It was all peaceful and quiet. I was having an amazing time with Antonio. I had made breakfast for him and did two rounds of lap dances and "fun". It can't get any better than- Wait... I did what..? ........ I DID WHAT?!?! I woke up with a start and was breathing heavily. I looked around frantically, looking to see if I had done anything with Antonio. I was a bit relieved when I didn't see him, but also nervous for some reason unknown. I got out of bed and noticed that I was still in my clothes that I wore when I went shopping with Antonio today. It... It was a dream the whole time..? It seemed so real though... *sigh* I'm kinda glad though. I've only known him for barely two days and if we had done 'that,' I would've been ashamed of myself.

I got out of bed and paused to look at my clock. It was only two hours past when I had gotten home and the date was the same. It really was a dream... I shrugged my shoulders and headed to see if Antonio was back from his house. I was the only one in the house though, well, besides the cat. I should give him a name. Don't want to just call him 'cat' all the time. Hmmm... What to name him? How about... "Hey, cat!" Said feline came bounding toward me talking it's head off. "I-a have a new name for-a you." It sat patiently in front of me, flicking its tail from side-to-side. "Your-a new name is-a, Romano. That's where I'm-a from and-a you remind me of what the cats-a there looked like. You-a also have a small curl like-a mine." The cat meowed, happy with its new name. I picked it up and it licked my cheek. I giggle from the sandpaper tongue sliding against my cheek and the loud purring that came with it. Once he stopped I set him down and realized that I had 15mins to get ready for work. "Crap!!! I-a got distracted by the cat!" I rushed back to my room to get ready and hauled ass downstairs to the club.

I arrived to the club just in time for my shift. I immediately went to wait tables before it was time for me to perform. The club was pretty packed tonight and it was a little difficult to keep up.

"Where did all these people come from, dude? It's crazy how busy it is tonight. I'm already exhausted and I haven't even gone up to perform yet!"

"I know... I'm-a curious myself... They just-a popped out of nowhere..." Alfred did look tired and he had to do three shows tonight. Poor guy... I told him he didn't have to do so many shows, but knowing him he refused. He's always happy to work. I'm glad he loves his job. He's always smiling just like... I shook my head and wanted to focus on work. We're too busy to be thinking about Antonio! Get ahold of yourself, Lovino! Gosh! I took in a deep breath and went to do some more tables. After about three hours, it was my turn on stage. I did a spiced up salsa dance. It was still always fun to do that dance along with the tango. I just have a blast and feel like myself. The one thing I am truly good at is dancing. If I could, I would do it forever. When I finished my dance, I bowed to the party goers and got loud cheering in return. When I stood up, I saw familiar emerald green eyes looking at me. I started blushing and scowled at the Spaniard. The owner of those gorgeous eyes grinned wide at me and waved. I wanted to wave back, but I had to leave the stage for the next performance.

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