CHAPTER 6: Recovery

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~~~Antonio's POV~~~

While I was recovering in the hospital, Lovino and I were talking for quite awhile. He told me that he came straight to the hospital after work, that he named the cat yesterday and that he was upset, because he couldn't come sooner. It was packed at the club last night apparently and him and the other workers there had to team up to keep up with the amount of people. If I didn't have to go to the hospital last night I would've offered to help them... As we were talking, I actually got him to lay in my hospital bed with me! I was so happy and he didn't even fuss! He just went straight to laying with me and he fell asleep for a good three hours. Poor Lovi... He's probably really tired... While he was sleeping, I was gently petting his head and looking at his adorable face. I really like that curl he has. It makes him so cute! I was careful not touch it though. If I had, he would've woken up in a bad mood, yelled at me and would probably leave. I want to keep my Lovi with me for as long as I can! He's also keeping me warm in this cold room! I don't want to freeze!!! I leaned down to kiss the top of his head and he began to stir when I just got comfy to go to sleep myself. Awwww!!! Dang it! I wanted to sleep with him! I sighed and had a defeated smile. He looked up at me and yawned. I thought I was going to lose it with how cute he was! He's just too adorable! He rubbed his eyes and looked around the room.

"Did-a I fall asleep..?"

His sleepy voice is so cute!!!

"Sí, Lovi. For about three hours."

"Really? That-a long? Huh... That-a was a really good nap..."

"Was it because you got to sleep with me?"

"Probably... Wait! No! I was just-a super tired!"

"Haha sure, Lovino." I smiled at him and he blushed as red as my tomatoes over in Spain! I started giggling and he rolled his eyes and faced away from me.

"Aww, come on, Lovi! It wasn't that bad, right?"

"...Well, no... But..."

"Hehehe see? I'm a good person to sleep with, if you know what I mean." I wriggled my eyebrows at him and winked just to mess with him and he became the fruit itself. I started laughing and he smacked me on the shoulder.

"That's not-a funny, jackass!!!"

"Actually, it was pretty hilarious."

"No, it wasn't! I'm leaving now!"

"No, wait Lovi! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" He got out of the bed and started to walk towards the door. I was trying to hold in my laughter, but even though it was pretty funny, I didn't want him to leave. He turned back around and tried to glare at me. I really wanted to laugh now, but I also want him to stay a bit longer. I opened my arms for a hug and he just stared at me.

"I'm not-a hugging you while you're-a being stupid."

"But, Lovi!!! I want a hug!"

"No, and stop-a calling me that! How many times do I-a got to tell you-a that?"

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