CHAPTER 3: Excepting

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~~~Antonio's POV~~~

I'm so happy to be walking around with Lovi!!! He's just the cutest thing and I love it when he gets grumpy! He makes the most adorable faces, even if he's scowling most of the time. It's especially funny if he's trying not to laugh and putting on a "serious" face! I always just want to hug him and be close to him. I just met him last night, but I've already fallen in love and had my first kiss with him. *sigh*... I hope we can stay like this forever... As I was day dreaming, Lovi was trying to get my attention. I snapped out of it when he lightly slap me on the back of my head. He crossed his arms and tapped his foot on the ground looking agitated.

"Oh, sorry, Lovino... I sorta blanked out... What were you saying?"

"*sigh* I was-a asking if you'd help-a me pick some tomatoes..."

He blushed and turned away to hide his face that looked like a tomato. He's so cute!!!!

"Of course, my little tomate! I'd be glad to help you!" I smiled at him and he blushed even redder! I don't know how much more cuteness I can take!!! We walked over to the tomato stand and began to look for the perfect tomatoes. Lovi would pick some that were perfect just by looking at them, but he would ask me sometimes if one of them was alright. He always blushed when he'd ask me, but would try to not look at me while talking. I want to see his face!

"Hey, Lovino? Can I hug you?"

"Wha- n-no! We're in-a public!"

"But come on, Lovi! I need cuddles!" His face is so red!

"No, bastard! And that's-a final!"

"Then what about a kiss?" I swear that his face looked like it was going to melt off or something. This is pretty fun messing with him... Hehehehe....


"I didn't say it was on the lips! Just a peck on the cheek, por favor!" He stared at me for a bit, probably deciding. He was taking so long that I was about to give up on the idea when he sighed super loud.

"F-fine... Just on the cheek, or I'll-a f**king kill you..."

I was jumping in place feeling super excited and smiling from ear to ear. He rolled his eyes and turned his face, so I could kiss his cheek better.

"Gracias, Lovino!"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever..."

I leaned in to peck his cheek, but someone bumped into both of us and our lips crashed together. Both of us went wide-eyed and just stayed frozen like that. The people that bumped us were silently laughing from what I could hear and I glanced behind Lovino to see Francis. I could only guess who "bumped" into me. Francis winked at me before he bolted off. He was probably scared that if Lovi had turned around, he would have been beaten. Lovino then pushed my shoulders and broke our kiss. He kept me in my spot, still holding onto me. He wouldn't look at me and I became a bit concerned. I then remembered what he told me if I kissed him somewhere other than his cheek. I froze and went pale thinking about it. I began to shake a little with fright and looked at him in fear. He lifted his head to look at me and I flinched. I shut my eyes tight and waited for the impact of his hand, fist or even an onslaught of curse words. It didn't come though, so I opened my eyes slightly to look at him and he looked like he was about to cry. I opened my eyes completely now and grasped his shoulders. I probably looked like a worried mother talking to a child, but I wanted to know what was wrong with my little tomate.

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