CHAPTER 4: Playful Fun

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~~~NOTE! I drew the picture for this chapter! Hope you like it!~~~

Antonio kissed Lovino with so much passion and lust that Lovino actually felt loved. He felt like he was running a marathon with how fast his heart was pumping and he felt like he was doing it in a desert with how hot he was. Lovino was a panting mess as Antonio rubbed his cold hands over Lovino's smaller figure. Antonio was smiling at getting little moans from the smaller man as he pulled on the strange curl that didn't want to be normal. Antonio began to kiss Lovino on the neck, looking for that bundle of nerves. Once he found it, he sucked and bit the spot. Lovino scolded himself for moaning so loud and for enjoying it way too much.

"You ready to start going, Lovi? I'll be slow and gentle." Antonio rubbed his thumb over Lovino's cheek trying to reassure him that it would be okay, but Lovino was still scared.

"I-I'm still a virgin, so I-I-a d-don't know... I'm-a scared, Antonio..." Lovino was shaking slightly and Antonio was really worried for his little Lovi. Antonio wanted to comfort his love and tell him it'd be alright, which is what he did and Lovino calmed down a little. Antonio smiled at him and kissed him on the forehead lovingly. Lovino gave the Spaniard a small smile and wrapped his arms around him. Antonio chuckled and wrapped his arms around Lovino.

"O-okay... We c-can-a do it n-now..." Lovino stuttered and took in a deep breath.

"Haha okay, Lovi. Are you certain though? I don't want to rush you into this or for you to get hurt."

"Si, I'm-a sure, bastard. Just-a go before I-a regret it."

Antonio chuckled and started to remove Lovino's pants. Lovino was blushing so hard, you could cook an egg on his face. Antonio pulled his pants off and Lovino was left in his boxers. Lovino shivered from a breeze touching his bare legs and Antonio giggled to himself.

"Stop-a laughing, or I'll-a kick you in the balls." Lovino said, trying not to laugh at the face he got from Antonio. Antonio was hesitant taking off his own pants for worry of his nads being crushed. Lovino couldn't keep in his laughter as he put a pillow over his face to muffle it. Antonio blushed and shyly rubbed the back of his head. Lovino took off the pillow and threw it at Antonio before smiling at him. Antonio smiled his bright smile at Lovino and looked down to start taking off his lovers last article of clothing.

"Are you ready to start now or do you need to throw more pillows?"

"Shut up! Just-a go!"

Antonio smiled and yanked Lovino's boxers off. Lovino yelped and immediately tried to cover himself. After Antonio took off his own boxers he gently grabbed Lovino's arms and moved them. Lovino was blushing furiously and would refuse to look at Antonio. Antonio kissed the back of one of Lovino's hands and grinned big at him.

"Don't be shy. You're beautiful and I want to see all of you. You'll be fine mi little tomate. We'll start out slow and easy, okay? I don't want to hurt you. Te amo, Lovino." Antonio gently smiled at Lovino and his lover looked back at him with the same smile.

"Ti amo, Antonio..." Hazel met Emerald and it was as if sparks of excitement were flying. The two started going at it and the rest of the evening was filled moaning and panting from a certain Italian.

The next morning, Lovino woke up extremely sore. He sat up in bed and looked to his side to see the love of his life. Lovino smiled and was happy to be with Antonio. When he tried to get up, he had a hard time walking to the kitchen to start breakfast. He was so sore from last night and had to use the wall for support. He yawned continuously and was startled awake when something furry brushed past his leg. Lovino signed in relief when he saw it was only their cat.

"Don't-a scare me like-a that. I-a could've kicked you, you know?"

The cat meowed to his new owner and stood on its hind legs wanting to be picked up. Lovino chuckled and picked up the eager cat. He scratched the cat behind its ears and got motor boat purrs in return. A noise could be heard down the hall then a yelp followed it. Lovino started laughing knowing what had probably happened and set the cat back down. He began to make breakfast when Antonio walked into the kitchen rubbing his back.

"Oi, morning Lovi... What you making..?" Antonio asked sleepily while wrapping his arms around Lovino's waist. Lovino sighed contently before replying.

"I'm-a making scrambled eggs with tomatoes and cheese, bacon and-a buttered toast."

"Oh my god! That sounds so wonderful! You're too good to me, Lovi!"

Lovino blushed and smiled at the comment. Antonio kissed the top of his head before going to feed the cat. The cat was meowing its head off, leading the way for Antonio. Antonio laughed and followed the cat to its eating spot. Lovino laughed to himself and finished making breakfast with a smile.

"It smells so good, Lovi! I bet it tastes amazing too!"

"It-a better or I can-a no longer be an Italian."

Antonio laughed and dug into his food. He was quiet and had tears of bliss in his eyes from the delicious taste. Lovino was confused, concerned and a bit weird-ed out.

"Are-a you okay..?"

"It... It just... Tastes so goooooood!!!! Can you cook for me like this everyday, por favor?!" Antonio was bawling his eyes out and Lovino just shook his head. When they finished eating, Antonio went to put the dishes in the sink only to almost fall of his butt. Lovino cocked an eyebrow and was concerned.

"Ummm... What was-a that?"

Antonio tried to play it off like nothing happened, but it was clear in his voice that he was lying.

"What? What was what? I didn't do anything..." Antonio was looking everywhere in the room, but at Lovino. Lovino got a devilish smirk on his lips as he drew closer to Antonio. He poked Antonio on the chest and giggled.

"I-a think I know what it-a is~"

"Wh-what would t-that b-be, Lovi..?" Antonio was the one blushing furiously now and was slowly backing away until he hit the couch arm and fell back on it. Lovino went to straddle him and kept him on the couch. Antonio hid his face in his hands, but Lovino only needed to whisper in his ear.

"Hehehe... It-a was my lap dance, wasn't it? The reason you're-a sore?" Lovino was speaking in a very husky and extremely sexy voice. Antonio was squirming all over the place trying to free himself from Lovino, but was getting nowhere. He gave up and uncovered his face to see Lovino. He then looked around and asked a question in a quiet voice.

"Can... Can I have another? It was so sexy!!!" He blurted out the last part and Lovino turned into a tomato. He wasn't expecting a response like that and didn't know what to do. He lowered his head and mumbled under his breath.

"You can-a have another stupid lap dance..."

"What was that? I couldn't hear you."

"I said you can-a have another damn lap dance!"

"Seriously?! Yay!!!" Antonio embraced his lover and thanked him profusely. Lovino just rolled his eyes and sighed.

"You're the best, Lovi!!! Te amo!!!"

"Believe it, tomato bastard. Ti amo." Lovino then got to work and gave Antonio an even more heated dance than last night. At the end, Antonio was in "la-la land" and Lovino was all pumped up for round two. He didn't know why, but he asked Antonio and said Spaniard was very happy to oblige.

"Let's get down to business then, shall we?" Antonio picked up Lovino and carried him back to the bedroom for another round.

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