Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I let out a quiet sigh as we trudge through the woods back to their car.

"What your name, kid?" The man asks.

"Clementine, who are you?" I ask.

"I'm Rick Grimes, that's Daryl,"He says and Daryl gives me a small nod, only meeting my eye for a moment before getting caught up in the forest around us.

"Did ya ask 'er the questions?" Daryl asks Rick who shakes his head before turning to face me.

"How many walkers have you killed?" He asks and I look back at him curious of his choice of question.

"I've not been keeping track never thought it would matter, couple dozen maybe,"

"How many people have you killed?" He asks and that question makes me stop closing my eyes for a moment to stop tears coming to my eyes.

"Two," I state and I can't bring myself to look up at them so I stare done at Aj in my arms who simply gurgles.


"One was going to kill my friend and the other was my friend he had been bitten, he told me to kill him so He didn't turn," I say and Rick nods slightly putting a hand on my shoulder.

"No one should have to kill someone they care about, especially someone as young as you," He says pain in his eyes as he speaks letting me know he had once had to do the same as me. I nod slightly as we walk out of the woods and I see their car which has a motorbike next to it.

"Jump in,"Rick says and I nod before opening the car door and sitting in the passenger seat. We drive down the long roads, Daryl ahead of us on his bike.

"I think you'll like it a camp,theirs my daughter Judith who is probable a bit younger than Aj," He says and I nod staring out the window at what seems like a never ending road. "If you don't mind me asking what happen to his parents? You don't look like siblings,"

"Probable cause we're not, his mum and dad died little over a year ago we were all in a group,"

"And your parents?" He questions looking up into the rearview mirror, his eyes meeting mine.

"They died at the beginning, I found them a few months later . . . They had turned,"

"I'm sorry," He says before slipping into silence not knowing what else to say.

"Theirs my son Carl who's a bit older than you,it will be nice for him to have a friend about again," He says obviously wanting to break the silence but I am barely listening. It doesn't feel real it feels like we're living some play only pretending everything will be okay till the end. I barely notice the car slow down to a halt.

"We're here," He says before looking over at me. "You ready?"


Any Life is Strange fans?

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