Become Popular

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💫 ≫ friendly:
being friendly is key in becoming more popular! no one wants to hang out with someone that's rude! at least I don't want to anyway!

👗 ≫ appearance:
you don't have to go all out but, you'd be surprised how much a little bit of perfume or a necklace can really change your outfit!

🙎 ≫ gossip:
this kinda goes a long with being friendly but do not spread rumors about people! many girls think that spreading rumors will make you more popular although you'll find it will do the exact opposite.

📚 ≫ find a group:
it's really good to join a club or a group at school or do sports or other hobbies outside of school because that introduces you to other people who like the same things as you!

🌟 ≫ be yourself:
do not ever change who you are or what you believe in just to fit in! It is better to not have as many friends that like you for you than many friends who like you for something your not!

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