Kendall Jenner's Diet and Workout

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• kendall likes to include lean meats into her diet to help her lose weight and to feel energized.
• kendall loves to eat fruits and vegetables as a side of her meal. she likes to snack on raw fruits and vegetables throughout the day instead of a bag of chips.
• kendall knows that junk food might be tempting for a short while but in the long run only causes harm which is why she stays away from junk food.
• kendall loves detox green tea, which she drinks 12 cups of on a daily basis. this i would not recommend since it's not healthy at all. a good idea is to start out your day with a cup of green tea tho!
healthy habits:
• kendall believes that its important to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night to function.
• kendall works out four times a week by running to a gym and getting on a treadmill. then she likes to do a lot of ab workouts and planking.

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