Phone Care Guide

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∘ make sure to always have a case on your phone to protect it.

∘ cases can also be a way to personalize your phone, so make sure you have a cute and personal case.

screen protector;

∘ consider buying a screen protector which basically is a plastic think that you put on the screen.

∘ it might seem annoying to have on since it can chip and collect dust, but it's worth it.


∘ your phone can get too hot or too cold. try to always have it in room temperature.

∘ if your phone gets too hot, or cold. don't put it near something super cold (or hot) to quicken the process, it will only make it worse.

battery percent;

∘ try to always have your batter between 40-80 percent. when it gets to 100 percent it can overload, which is not good for the batter, and when it gets to 0 percent it can cause damage to your phone.

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