Good Grades

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be organized:

• have a calendar or planner and write down whenever you have homework etc.

• have an organized backpack, locker, and desk. if you have all of these things organized it'll be easier to find things and for you to study well.

• study everyday right when you get home. this is good because you're still in your "school-mode". it'll also feel like studying is scheduled, just like any other class.


• everyone is learning either by ear, eye, hands, or a combination. find the learning style that works best for you and start leaning that way.

• be active in class by reaching up your hand whenever you know the answer. i used to be really shy about that but i had as a challenge to do it at least twice every lesson and now i think it's just fun to be active in class.

• take good notes. if your teacher are writing or drawing on the whiteboard, copy it!

• even though you have to write notes still listen to your teacher. don't just write down every single word he/she says. otherwise you won't understand your notes after class anyways.


• lots of people thinks that it's uncool to have good grades but really they're uncool because without good grades you won't be able to do what you want in life.

• just ignore the people that may call you nerd. if someone calls you that say thank you because nerd means that you're really good on something and that's a compliment!

healthy lifestyle

• eat breakfast before going to school. just a bowl of cereal and yoghurt is fine but try adding at least a fruit and water.

• workout at least twice a week. just do something active for 30 minutes, it's not that hard when you think of it.

• be with friends often because school is also about finding your true self and being confident in who you are, and you can't do that without friends!

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