Talk To Your Crush

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⇨ look presentable:
don't be afraid to look nice for your crush! do your hair, put on some nice clothes, take a shower, and spray on your favorite perfume scent! make-up is optional.

⇨ practice:
put a little more time in before you go speaking to him or her and practice in front of a mirror or with a good friend.

⇨ do it yourself:
don't have a friend talk to him or for you. it's best for the both of you to talk alone without anyone knowing there to bother you two.

⇨ conversation:
all this takes is bravery and confidence. make sure you smile every now and then & give good eye contact.
♡ what to talk about
- a party
- classes
- homework
- sport event
- friends
- social club

⇨ be yourself:
don't lie about who you are to just impress him or her. if you two don't have nothing common, so what? there are plenty of other fish in the sea. also there a couples that have nothing in common but make it work.

⇨ remember he's human too:
remind yourself before you go stressing about talking to him or anything like that, that he or she is human too and that they have feelings and emotions as we'll.

⇨ more information:
- have good hygiene
- don't judge
- everything takes guts
- their are plenty other fish in the sea
- read books & blogs to expand knowledge about talking to him

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