Overnight Beauty Hacks

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👍🏼 ⋆ for soft hands:
apply a thick hand cream on your hands,
put on light cotton gloves and leave this
treatment on overnight, when you wake
up your hands will feel very soft,
moisturized and smooth.

🍃 ⋆ for smooth heals:
massage a thick cream all over your feet,
put on cozy cotton socks before going to

🙆🏻 ⋆ to reduce pimples:
treat your blemishes while you sleep by
applying tea tree oil on top of your pimple
it will diminish and disappear

🐚⋆ silk pillowcase:
sleeping on a silk pillowcase can be bene
ficial for your hair, reducing split ends; silk
also can help keep your face look fresh &
crease-free in the morning!

👄 ⋆ for soft lips:
exfoliate your lips before heading to bed
and then, apply your favorite lip balm or
a nourishing oil [olive oil, coconut oil or
almond oil] on your lips.

👀 ⋆ for longer eyelashes:
apply castor oil to your eyelashes at night
to help them grow longer and thicker, use
a clean q-tip & dab the oil along your top
lash line, you should see results in 8-12

🌱 ⋆ to erase wrinkles:
apply a sleeping mask over your regular
moisturizer before you go to bed. it helps
keep your skin hydrated all night long, so
you wake up with a face that feels just as
supple as the night before.

💓 ⋆ for wavy hair:
shower at night and style your hair before
bed, wait for it to dry, then run some light
styling crème through with your fingers.
depending on kind of waves you prefer,
you can either sleep in braids or twist
your hair into buns.

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