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Reid's POV

I wake up to knocking on the door. Memories of last night flood my mind. I sit up and smile down at the beautiful girl beside me. I stand up and remember I don't have clothes on. I grab one of the blankets of the couch and run quickly upstairs to my room. I throw on a t-shirt and my pajama pants. I walk downstairs calming my hair slightly and open the door.

"Can I help you?" I say.
"Umm Rose left this in my car last night. Her phone has been ringing none stop so I thought I would bring it over." Karman says handing me Rose's purse.
"Thank you." I smile and close the door.
"Who was it?" Rose asks walking out with the large blanket wrapped around her.
"It was Karman. You left your purse in her car. She said someone has been calling you." I tell her.

She grabs it and gets her phone. She checks it and her eyes widen.

"They're all from my mom. She got home yesterday and is coming today." She says.
"How long does it take to get here from your hometown?" I ask.
"About 5 hours. She probably didn't leave until 8, 7 our time at the earliest." Rose says.
"It's 10 now we have 2 hours to clean this up. You go get showered and put clothes on and I'll get started." I say and she runs upstairs.

I go to the living room and start taking down the lights. By the time I finish the lights, I hear the water shut off. I put the TV back up and take the laptop to the kitchen and plug it in. Then I start folding blankets.

Rose's POV
After I shower I semi dry my hair and get dressed. I'm wearing jean shorts and a white crop top with a winky face on it that says "wasted youth".

When I go downstairs I see Spencer has taken down the lights, put the TV up, put the computer away and was now folding blankets. I go over and start folding too. We finish fairly quickly, I throw the clothes into the hamper, and then we move the furniture back to where it belongs.

"With time to spare." He says.
"Thank you." I say.
"Well I made the mess I should-"
"Not that you goof. For last night. It was amazing." I say cutting him off.
"It wouldn't have happened if you wouldn't have made the first move." He jokes.
"Go shower before my mom gets here. Your hair is a mess." I laugh.

He chuckles and kisses my forehead before going upstairs. I sit on the couch and think about last night. I can't believe that actually happened. I soon doze off.

Reid's POV
I go upstairs and grab my usual apparel and go into the bathroom. I shower and get dressed. I dry my hair fairly well and put gel in it. I style it like a usually do (his hair in season 6). Then I call Morgan.

"How did your date go kid?" He asks.
"Garcia told everyone didn't she?" I ask.
"Kinda. What's up?" He asks.
"This you can't tell anyone." I say.
"Do I sound like Garcia to you?" He ask.
"No. But I can hear that you're on speaker phone." I say.
"How does he do it?" Garcia asks.
"Told you he would know." Morgan says.

I hear the phone switch.

"Okay I'm in a different room what's up?" He says again.
"To answer your first question. The date went great. We ate pizza, kinda watched a movie, and talked. It was great." I say hoping he'll question the movie part.
"What do you mean you kinda watched a movie?" I can hear in his voice that he's adding it up.
"My man!" He says.
"Don't tell anyone okay?! Had to tell someone and I know that it's extremely rude to kiss and tell but I think I really like her and it was just.. Wow! You know?" I babble.
"I understand kid. Now go hang out with her instead of talking to me about it." He says.
"Got it." I say and we hang up.

I go downstairs to see Rose is sleeping. I cover her with a blanket and sit in the chair next to the couch. Soon I hear a knock at the door.

"Rose is taking a nap right now but I'll move my stuff out of your room. I changed the sheets for you. I'll take your bags up there." I say and Rose's mother comes in saying "thank you" and handing me her bags.

Back at the BAU

"I wonder what Spencer couldn't say to all of us?" Prentiss asks.
"I hope it's not bad." JJ says.
"Especially about his date. He was so nervous." Garcia says.

They all hush when Morgan comes back to the room. He's smiling like a proud father as he sits at his desk in silence. They all exchange glances before anyone says anything.

"What did he say?" Garcia asks.
"That's classified. But may I say my man!" He says proudly.
"What did he do?" Rossi says.
"I don't know what happened but they didn't watch that movie." Morgan says.
"Oh my gawd!" Garcia shouts.

They all separate laughing to themselves in shock.

"But none of you heard it from me." Morgan says and they all nod.

Reid's POV

I gather my stuff into my suit case and put it by the bedroom door. I put Rose's mom's bags on the bed and grab my gun case with my gun. I carry my things downstairs and set them by the door.

I know the deal was to stay until her mother came but I don't want to go now. I've been here for over a week and just got to know Rose. It's a shame that I have to go.

When I go to the living room Rose is up and her and her mother are talking. I smile and walk over. I sit on one if the chairs.

"I think I can get a ticket back to Quantico for this evening." I say sadly. Rose looks at me sadly.
"What do you mean?" She asks.
"We sad I would stay until your mom got here so you wouldn't be alone and I've already been here for so long I wouldn't want to be a burden." I say sadly.
"You're not a burden." She says getting angry.
"It'll probably be best if you stay a few more days so I can into her habits and stuff." Her mother says.
"Great. I mean that would be nice." I say.

This will be awkward. Her mother is already catching on that there is something weird going on and I don't think she likes it.

Dangerous (Spencer Reid Fan-fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora