Weird guy at the toy store

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When I walk into the build a bear store a lot of the parents looked at me weird. I don't blame them. The weird kidnapping and then some grown ass man coming into a toy store and making a bear.

"Do you work here?" I ask going up to a young woman standing next to me.
"Yes what can I help you with?"
"Do you have any sweater vests for the animals?" I ask holding up the bear skin that will soon become a stuffed animal.
"They're over here." She says showing me where they were.
"Thanks." I say looking at the wall covered with doll clothes.
"So who are you making the panda for?" She asks.
"This girl." I say.
"Oh your girlfriend?" She asks.
"She's not really my girlfriend.." I stop talking totally overwhelmed with everything.
"So you're single?" She asks touching my arm lightly.
"I guess. I don't know." I say stepping away.
"What do you mean you don't know?"
"Which one should I get?" I ask her avoiding the question.
"This one and these pants." She says grabbing it all for me.
"Thanks." I say and quickly go over to get the animal stuffed.

Once the line goes down I hand the lady running the machine my stuff. She fills the bear and dresses it. I go to the check out and pay.

"Thank you." I smile at the lady behind the counter as I pick up the box she put it in.
"Have a nice day." She says happily.
"You too." I say and leave the store.

After I leave build a bear I go to Walmart and buy a handful of cheep lights. I go to the pizza place and order a large of Rose's favorite kind and a bunch of chocolates. I ask them to wait until four thirty to start it and if they would deliver it to her house. They said they could so I go back to the house.

I start to put up the lights but notice some dark clouds. I go inside and check the weather. There's a storm heading this way. So I move the lights inside and move the furniture to make room for a bunch of pillows and a blankets.

Then I FaceTime Garcia. She answers fairly quickly.

"What's up sugar?" She asks smiling.
"How do I set up this projector and hook it up to the computer?" I ask pointing the computer to the projector.
"Oh that's easy." She says and walks me through it.
"If you were a girl what movie would you want to watch?" I ask.
"If I was a girl?" She asks back.
"Did I say that?" She nods "Sorry Penelope." I say and grab a few movies holding them up.
"Marly and Me is a sad movie, The Notebook is a classic chickflic, and I can't read that because I don't know what language it's in." She says.
"So that one is out?" I ask.
"Sorry Hun. So why do you want to know?"
"I'm setting up an at home theatre for Rose." I say shyly.
"That's so cute so it's like dinner and a movie at home? You're going on a date!" She gets really excited and I blush.
"Which movie?" I ask.
"Go with Marly and Me. It's less cliché." She says.
"Thank you Garcia. I'm kinda nervous." I chuckle.
"It's normal babe. Good luck on your date." She says and logs off.

When I finish setting up the projector I plug in the computer to let it charge. The pizza comes and I sent it out with a fruit salad and popcorn I made. Shortly after I finish I hear a car outside. I go over and see Rose walking up to the door. I meet her there.

"Close your eyes." I say with a smirk.
"What did you do? Did you break something?" She asks.
"Just close them." I say stepping behind her covering her eyes anyways.

I lead her to the living area and take my hands away. She gasps and turns around to me amazed. I had strung the lights across the ceiling and a few lit candles around the room. The blankets covered most of the floor with the food in the middle with a few fake candles (real ones are a fire hazard).

"This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." She says hugging me.
"It's nothing." I say hugging her back.
"This is not nothing." She says shaking her head.

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